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September 5, 2016 at 5:34 pm

@shaloo walia, I do not have a guru, I only have one God and other gods like guru. The almighty God is the owner of all the creations on earth and He owns the earth. Having a guru would be helpful to all Indians for that is your belief and experience joy, right guidance and life.Having a guru or not does not matter at all if humans do not change his.her attitude towards life and humanity. I am a catholic faith defender.

September 18, 2016 at 9:31 am

Yes. I agree with you. He acts as a guide and shows the light in the path of darkness. He does not show any discrimination and partiality among the disciples.

Finding a Guru is not an easy task. It is also a gift of the God.

So far I did not have the blessings of any Guru.

A disciple need not search for his Guru. His only task is to develop himself in all aspects. It is  the Guru who searches for his disciples and gives him the blessings.

A Guru may be having many disciples. But, he will be a Guru only for the selected disciples. Thus he selects his disciple. He sees the competence whether a particular person can be his disciple or not.

Arjuna and Aswatthama both were studying under Dronacharya. Aswatthama was the son of Dronacharya. Both wanted to learn and possess the PAASUPATASTRA.which was taught to Arjuna only . Because Dronacharya knows who is more competent for PAASUPATASTRA.  Thus he acted as a true Guru to the highest extreme which has got no parlance in the entire MAHABHARATA.

As a true Brahmin and Guru, he denied the opportunity to his own son as he was not competent


September 18, 2016 at 9:49 am

wow! you got an excellent Guru. Accepting parents as Guru is a boon…but to whom..? Should it be given to you or to your parents?. keep it up.

Yes. For each and everyone Mother is the first Guru and the next comes Father.

My father keeping myself in his arms on a wooden cot was telling me this.  I had their great blessings. I am lucky to have a good mother who taught me to be patient , courteous, obedient and decent in the society. My  Dad taught me everything that is needed to be a suitable and good citizen in the society. Starting from a, b, c to all office work was taught by my Father. I am grateful to my father who made me a good and decent person in the society. He taught how to talk to old people, how to talk to equals, and how to behave in a group dynamic activity.He was taking me to his office and everybody was approaching him for clarifications and assistance. Once, his superior officer came to my father while he was writing a file. My father stood up and clarified the doubt of the superior officer who was a trainee IAS in those days and who subsequently became the Chief Secretary of a State Government. My Father explained to me how an educated person will be respected and honored everywhere. He was quite practical and showed me everything in a conspicuous setting and environment.