Author Posts

May 10, 2016 at 5:07 pm

Do you write on your own blog besides the various writing sites that you work on? I have two websites. One is Spiritualboosters where I blog about simple and meaningful living. Another website is Astrokrsna where I blog about the topics related to astrology, tarot, vastu , numerology etc. Besides writing on the writing sites, I regularly blog on my own sites.

May 10, 2016 at 6:30 pm

I am not a professional blogger. I have several personal blogs hosted on Blogger. I started my personal blog more than 10 years ago, as I would like to write about my life and thoughts, to share with others or just a journal for myself. I also gained some friends from my blog. But, I stopped being active after becoming a mother, as I was busy taking care of my children and also doing the housework. Moreover, I started to explore more online sites to make money.

My main focus was on my personal blog, but I also created other blogs, especially one to share some programming knowledge. I created that because the readers to my personal blog were not interested in programming or any technology news, so I think it’d be better to write them in another blog.

I want to start being active on my own blog, but sometimes I am just too tied up with other stuffs and also these online blogging sites that allow me to make money and also gain more friends.

May 10, 2016 at 6:39 pm

I understand! Writing on various writing sites apart from the offline job and household duties leave little time for your own blogs. I have neglected my own blogs too some time back. But since the writing sites keep vanishing after sometime, I have now decided to focus on my own websites. I will try to post at least twice a week on my sites to keep the audience engaged.

May 12, 2016 at 5:47 am

I only have blogs on Blogjob. I have 5 sites on that sites. I have my own independent blog but I am not writing anything. Everytime a certain revenue sharing site closed, I always think I need to have my own blog to be continued. I am thinking about it right now and I am not sure if I will able to start it.

May 12, 2016 at 1:44 pm

@Grecy Garcia  I was also focusing on writing sites but after losing blog posts and money on so many writing sites, I have decided to focus on my own sites simultaneously. Monetizing our own blogs is a slow process but it will pay off in the long run.