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August 11, 2016 at 12:35 am

No I don’t find virtual friends “better”.  I don’t think along those lines.  I work at home.  My virtual friends are virtual for two reasons:  met them online and probably won’t ever see them face-to-face because they live in another state or even another country.  I consider the same as my friends that I had when I worked a job outside the home.  If we ever physically met, wouldn’t we still be friends?  I don’t see a difference.

August 11, 2016 at 4:03 am

thanks for yr share, everyone has different point of view about friends online, appreciated

August 11, 2016 at 4:15 am

To answer this I would have to differentiate between the two. Virtual friend has no personality which everyone could see or observe personally. They may be fake. Real friend has unique personality which could be trusted.

You would be trapped from the flattery the virtual friend what has written about him. Real friend is frank to tell you the truth. On loyalty, virtual friend in terms of commitment, he may assure you but it is only 33% which leads to impossible. While real friend is willing to die for you, willing to sacrifice as far friendship is concerned.

September 13, 2016 at 2:33 pm

I find that the friends I had growing up and up till now haven’t been there for me in my time of stress the friends I have made on facebook are there all the time so I would definitely say virtual friends are better

November 4, 2016 at 12:03 am

Everybody that has come in contact with Internet has more virtual friends that two friends. I am not allowed by my parents to go out and see my friends and that has made me not come in contact with real friends. What I keep myself company with is my phone and the Internet, I tend to chat with my friends on Facebook and whatsapp and 2go to keep myself busy the whole day as far as my phone is on. But since I came in contact with, I now keep myself busy with writing online on and chatting with my friends. Sometimes I don’t see writing on for earning, I now see it as fun. Am really enjoying it. I have more virtual friends than real friends. When my real friends are times by 10 they are not upto my virtual friends. My virtual friends has made Internet to an extent to be easy for me especially by rendering me help whenever I needed their help.

November 4, 2016 at 12:23 am

But on the other hand I still don’t prefer virtual friends to real friends. Virtual friends are fake and will only help you only mostly on the net. But your real friends help you in all ramifications. They know when you are in pain, they know when you are suffering, they know when you need help and run around to help you. They know everything about you. A virtual friend will only know when you come online and will just give you advice without knowing how much you need help. He can not help you because he really doesn’t know who you are. He will just give you answers you want to hear but won’t ask you what us wrong with you until you tell them. But a real friends who stays around you find all this out without being told. So in all ramifications I think real friends are better than virtual or online friends.

November 4, 2016 at 12:25 am

I disagree with the topic. I believe otherwise. Real friends are always the best, though both are good. But real friends are the best

May 13, 2017 at 4:20 pm

Yes, I find few good friends while I was blogging for Stock Market updates 2 years ago..  But I lost in touch with them as I got busy with my career and not getting time to look at the Stock Markets.

I’m here in LB for the past 10 days. Like to find few like minded people, Who have skills and planning to earn money online in their free time…

May 13, 2017 at 5:13 pm

I think online friends are not close. And so they have no such connection with others. It can be harder to connect with them in such process. I don’t know if there can be a way for us to have same friendship offline too. Because online friends don’t look at your personal life much. And that can be checked too. I have seen many people who have their set of issues with the offline friends. But the way this life works I can tell you that people need to avoid relying on online friends. Because offline life is real.

May 13, 2017 at 8:14 pm

@skysnap offline friends are indeed real ones. But sometimes talking here and one more place to online friends does helps.

May 14, 2017 at 4:33 pm

I think online friends can be good to fill in the gap of the offline friends. These days people don’t listen to you. And this makes it harder for you to deal with your issues in life. I have found that people don’t care if you have nothing to offer to them during your bad days. But that way you understand online friends can be fun. Because apart from time, you don’t give them anything. That’s how you grow in your life. I personally think that virtual friend have limit to influence. After that it would not be much help.

May 14, 2017 at 4:43 pm

@evilelf,  We can plan for a meetup for Literacybase by the end of the year at city level…  This way, we can connect each other ..

@anjee, Agree, we can’t share everything with real friends. But in virtual online friends, we don’t need to worry while sharing something where we hesitate to share he same with real friends.