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October 7, 2016 at 5:09 pm

Contena is another writing site that I encountered in the internet. They will only hire writers from United States. As of this moment, they are also on the process of including my country to be part of their business and promised me that should they  successfully launch Contena is Philippines, I will be the first they will hire.

The duty of the writers there is just to write, no more like here to comment and interact in order to gain some cents, but there purely writing. If you are from United States, try to open this site to know about it and apply.

Have you already met this site? Thanks guys for reading.

April 19, 2017 at 3:17 am

That site sounds to be good,  i which more countries can be included.  If Africa can be part of it i will be the first one to join. The other challenge we are facing writers from my country Zambia is that there are sites like Mylot which only process the payments through PayPal and in my country we can’t receive payment we can only use the sending feature of paypal. I was frustrated on Mylot after earning money it couldn’t be transferred to my paypal account. When I tried to contact paypal they later told me that I can only send not receive,  it’s frustrating.  I would like to join many writing sites as possible. Americans can also try tipdrop and list my five. These two sites also only pay Americans.

April 19, 2017 at 4:46 pm

@Mathews kasamika,try to open the site to know if your country is included, who knows. Actually, after one year. Contenna wrte me telling that I can start working with them, but when I logged on, I was told by the site platform that they are still working on to include Philippines the to hire. I no longer long to write there.

Literacy base also pays us thru Pay pal. What do you present to admin here in terms of sending your earnings here during redemption?

April 19, 2017 at 5:48 pm

What you are talking about is Freelance writing. There is a website I have seen that helps writing effectively as a freelancer. I am still searching the site you have mentioned now. I found one more site but it is also for Americans only. I want to take up typing also for earning some decent money. I want to construct my house as early as possible and money should not be an issue for the construction work. I am working day and night and not leaving any single site for earning. I contacted my friends also and some of them are interested in working along with me. I want to see how far this can be put into practice.

April 19, 2017 at 5:56 pm

@siva, there is a writing site that pays high and my co teacher resigned from teaching for he earns more than $1,000 per month. Should you want to know the website, message me in inbox first for I cannot memorize your very long site name,okay? I am not yet writing there.

April 19, 2017 at 7:42 pm

I thought CORTENA would be opened in the Philippines for the Filipinos to join by writing as you have mentioned in your post. I overlooked it instead it’s CONTENA which could be a variance of CONTENT or something of content writing. Am I not right?

Well, in that case, it would be another writing opportunity site for all Filipinos who love to write as a hobby, as an earning source of a penny. That would be great, @Cely. I would also venture in join that site. I would be sharing what I have in mind, what I have experienced or anything which my laptop could put into writings. I am longing forward on this in the near future.

April 20, 2017 at 4:39 pm

nakitakona13 nakitakona13, That is true, who knows someday, that site will be opened for Filipinos at least there many sources of passive income to ease boredom and explore more for writing is our passion. Despite tired from work, but I never missed a day to write something here in group forum to bond with co-writers. We need teamwork.