Author Posts

August 4, 2016 at 5:11 am

@Lee Ka I have understood that part that everyone will be paid equally regardless of what they bring to the site. However, how a post behaves on the Net  is important no matter where it comes from. Talking about sharing I have done that and see most of the time no one visits my blogs. If those that have a great following such as @suny could share my blogs so that his followers view them.

August 4, 2016 at 5:21 am

@Lee Ka myLot has that 4th decimal earning prospect but  they do not have the coin system. At BB the coin is valued at the 4th decimal level and even if a coin is valued  as .0009 cent one needs to struggle to get to the payout which I think is 10 dollars. I have not seen anywhere them mentioning the payout limit.

myLot is stable and we do not share our activity there.  Yet they are bombarded with Ads so to say.

August 4, 2016 at 5:54 am

@lovern Actually, I stopped because I cannot see the equivalent of the coins. I can’t find the payment rate of coins. The accumulated coins seem so deceiving. I chose to wait if some of the members will have the payout. I don’t want to waste my precious time without gaining something from this writing site.

August 4, 2016 at 10:58 am

@bestwriter  @ suny   I was wondering that Kyla is not active on LB these days…at least not in the forums. Today I read in the forum that Kyla (@ruby3881) is one of the editors on the site along with John and Ople. This was a pleasant surprise.

And then I wondered who among the three is the ‘Super Editor’? 😉


August 4, 2016 at 11:54 am

@shall walia

Here is a the writing on the wall that told me she was on her way out from here as she was building some other site”  This was her comment on one blog here


I was very hopeful about the opportunity offered by LiteracyBase, but I have not been participating much lately. The site is already showing signs of a poorly thought-out business plan and staff who are unequipped to run the business smoothly.

I am investing my time elsewhere and remain here mostly because I have a few friends I care about and want to see succeed. I do appreciate the extra $20 or so a month, but I can earn it much quicker elsewhere. And at this point, I don’t feel sure that it will even be paid reliably once earned and requested. LiteracyBase has a lot to improve if it hopes to establish itself as a site we should take seriously.



August 4, 2016 at 12:04 pm

@shall walia – A typo Please read as Here is a writing on the wall…………..

August 4, 2016 at 12:49 pm

@ bestwriter I remember the frustrations when the payments were delayed last month. But I didn’t think that she will make an exit from LB where she had been an active member since the start. Anyways, it’s her decision. I hope she will do a good work as an editor at blogbourne!

August 4, 2016 at 1:44 pm

@bestwriter  @ suny  I just tried submitting an article on the other site and found that now the acceptable word limit for an article is 400 words. And that’s it for me! There is a new rule every day. I wonder why the members are not saying anything!

August 4, 2016 at 2:09 pm

New introduced rules on the other site

  • Posts must now be at least 400 words long and you will only be awarded coins for a maximum of 3 posts/day;
  • Coins will only be awarded for new friendships only twice a day and coins will be reduced to 1 coin per friendship;
  • There will no longer be coins awarded for visitor referrals, though you can still earn for sharing posts on social media;
  • There will no longer be coins rewarded just for content views from members who are logged in. Instead, you will earn 1 coin per unique page view.

It seems that the other site is totally being hijacked by our friend from this site. I am no longer writing on that site. I can’t trust a site which has new rules everyday. With 400 words limit and a vague coin value, I wonder how many members will stay active there.

@ suny   you were right! The site seems to be heading for a failure.

August 4, 2016 at 2:14 pm

@shaloo walia. She is doing all the changes I think and not the owner. I feel sorry for him.

August 4, 2016 at 6:44 pm

@shaloo walia   Those new rules looks really horrible. 400 words article and that also in such low paying site. I don’t think this is worthy at all. 

Even I think suny is right about the site.


August 4, 2016 at 6:50 pm

@Anand   They are trying to eliminate users who are good at writing small posts. The editor there feels that only long posts are seo friendly. I feel sorry for that site. Even before it has started making a mark I can see it disappearing.

August 4, 2016 at 7:02 pm

@peachpurple  I am sure you will be able to guess. Try it.