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I hope it wasn’t I don’t have any idea who is this person. With this kind of message, I am sure he would be able to realize his wrong act. | |
@kaylar, yes, you are right, since we read the comment to reply, we can visibly see the contents of the reply.That is the reason why I was able to detect the wrongful technique of that person. I understand, that person did it because he needs money very badly, but there is no short cut or no cheating technique for every site is guarded with laws ; that is why each member must read the FAQ to get info as what not and what to. I also observed that the person I reported used two names . The other name he used was closer to his name.Then , I noticed his writing full of grammatical errors. Why I said so that he used two personas because when the one I reported was removed by admin that person his replica no longer discusses with us here in forum. I pity that person.Nobody questions about his errors because he seems nice and respectful, but considering he uses two names with the same email address , that charged him both with dismissal in this site. | |
cely, how hard is it to read the rules and follow them? If you don’t understand the rules then ask questions. If you don’t get the answers you need or you still don’t understand then maybe writing is not for them. Come back when they have learned a few things. I hate when people cheat. It takes away from everyone on the site. It’s no good. Then we still have one person likes to quote things from the internet as his own thoughts. Seriously. I can see pass that as well. You can tell when something is copied and paste here. Maybe I am too smart for my own good. | |
@kaylar, that person was removed last week after I posted the observation about that person. That person used two names and two different faces hahahaha so weird .He thinks that he can cheat the site, no, of course, he is so wrong. You know what the other name that person uses, his writings are full of grammatical errors. It seems hard for him to write and compose discussions.Why I said that one person uses two names, it is because that person that keeps on joining us was also removed when that spammer was removed. There was an auto removal of the person with two identities.He might have used one email add that connects to his pay pal. He should have joined here religiously for no matter how slow the pay i, but the income or earning is constant as long as always active here. | |
@Shavkat, hehehe, you are funny freind, of course not you. You are a caliber writer my dear hehehe. The one that was removed for spammy writings was a black man. I do not know exactly if he is black for his picture is black and his face black hehehehe. His name is also weird and face weird. That person used two names hahaha.He was thinking he could trick the admin, he is absolutely wrong. Why I said that the spammer used two names because, when the first was removed, the other followed That is what we call auto removal for they might have used one mail address. The other one is not black, but feature of a black man.The second man not black in pic has writings full of grammar errors. I noticed he is a nice guy in his other person for he discusses with us politely. Then, I saw his discussions asking help to us here about his problem in redemption that no matter he clicked and clicked none to clicked it keeps on going back so that was the meaning.All his works full of errors found no pay at all. | |
EvilElf , Yes you are right my fiend, yo are so smart heheeh of course, your president is smart this time, no more Muslims to enter America, the same way in my country, no more rebels to be given another chance to live. You are also right in your observation that those spammer just copy and paste works not their own and pretended their own and smilingly and happily posted them to a site hahahaha.they are the living fools in the smart technology.This site is guarded with Word press so no matter how one discusses and discusses, but faulty, at the end reality comes in, i,e,no pay at all at the effortless discussions. We better be slow in our writing but done religiously. Thanks friend and take care always. | |
There are people who ‘play’ a site. They find out what the requrements are and seek to quickly fulfill them. As happened here, they were caught. | |
cely, legally Trump can not stop one religion from entering a country. If that is the case then he needs to stop all Christians as well. Not all Muslims are bad. I know more Christians that are more evil than Muslims and they are Americans. Sad isn’t it. I know longer see this person around. So good to see they have finally left the site for good. Now us “good” folks can continue with our honest comments and writings like before. It’s much better when things are left honest. | |
@kaylar, You know what, that spammer uses two names.The first name he is using had shown the ability to duplicate his discussion, all discussions that he made were all duplicated. I stopped that man by telling him that what he was doing was against the site’s policies, but he was so weird, he never replied or refuted me. I told myself that person may be like a machine and I learned from the discussions he joined that all were duplicated. I think that spammer wanted short cut hehehehe. He can never make a shortcut. Then the other person keeps on discussing any topic. He was so active post to post and do not care about his errors hehehe, so funny errors in grammar.There were so many times that I never answer the discussions of that person, so weird grammatical errors.I think he is the same to the one removed. When the person was removed, he too | |
@lovern I guess I know this guy. He had also sent me private messages a couple of times. I had answered him. But then, I felt nonsense replying him after. At the back of my mind, he needs to explore the site. I hope he is not here anymore. | |
@evilelf, You are right freind, there are so many nice Muslims. I have so many Muslim friends and they are not abnormal.There are only few of them not in thousands who are mentally sick. Those Muslims who shot innocent people ate the one punished not to generalized them. I think that was only the propaganda of Trump during the campaign period to get sympathy to voters. It would be a violation to international human rights .About that cheater in this site, he was already removed by admin two weeks ago. I noticed that he has entered back and used another name hehehe.That person is indeed stupid. he should not be accepted as freind. Actually I never had responded the comment of that person removed from this site. In the first place, I never liked that guy posting duplicated comments for the sake of earnings sake. Yes, we have to be honest in our comments. | |
@Shavkat, yes friend, he was removed from this site two weeks ago. We should be careful in accepting friendship this time. I understand that the person removed from here will surely come back.In fact, I already sensed one and I wonder why me the first he wished to accept him,lol.Of course, I did not accept him. It seems he was the person removed from here.If he only does his work religiously, honestly, then there is no reason why he will be removed. Cheaters never prosper. I hope he learns a lesson out of his action for if he is only genuine, I am so sure, the next time he joins, he will be accepted by the writers. |
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