Author Posts

March 10, 2017 at 11:24 am

In the old testament, access to God in the tabernacle and the temple was strictly limited. Only the priest could go in through the curtain and offer sacrifices in the Most Holy Place, and then only once a year
(Lev.16:2-20; 9: 25-26) but at that very moment JESUS died, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, showing that the barrier between man and GOD was destroyed forever(mark,15:38),.

And because of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, all of those who Love to follow Him can come into his presence,
Friends, GOD give us the right of access that anyone who wants to come and follow Him, we’re all free to come near into His presence at any time,

ACCESS to GOD’S throne is always Open for us.