Author Posts

July 12, 2016 at 1:46 am

hey guys I love to write poetry but have not done so in about 6 years! So I decided to day will be the day! I hope you like it just a heads up i am not good at spelling ☺️


we are only on this earth for a short while, but have eternity in heaven.

that is what they say, live like there’s no tomorrow, enjoy it and do not sorrow, for tomorrow is not promised and today’s already gone, and you have so much to live for,

but what about that eternity in heaven? Is that certain? If i shall go tomorrow will I have to look back at all the times I was in sorrow? Will my life start over like yesterday didn’t exist? Or will it be a continuation of the life I have lived? Will it be like I’m looking though a window and see everyone I love living without me? Will this eternity really be eternity?

For what shall I do in this eternity, shall I still live like there’s not tomorrow or will I not know what tomorrow is? Will there be someone to guide me through this eternity , will it feel like eternity or will it feel like only a second has gone by in 100 years?

i do not know about this eternity that is spoken of, but I do know that we are only on earth for a short while, yes that part is the truth, so I will live and smile and try not to live in sorrow. We she’ll see about this eternity, maybe tomorrow.

July 14, 2016 at 3:54 pm

I like your creativity this is very nice reading about eternity nobody knows about it but our God we can only live for today and hope for tomorrow for only he who created us knows where we are at and where we are going.