Author Posts

October 15, 2016 at 2:03 pm

That is what I observed, $1 could be attained in one hour here if only consistent .In forum alone, one can reach that goal if discuss 10 discussions at 150 words each discussion. It is better this way than wait for the submitted blog to be approved. This time, I am super busy, no right blog to compose so i just utilize my time discussing some topics ,likewise create topics to be discussed to have something to earn. I think this is what others are ding here especially those whose concentration is writing or working on line. I cannot live to have earning derived from on line. This is just my extra income asides from my active income.

What about you, what do you observe,share it here for us to follow.

October 15, 2016 at 3:01 pm

I agree for sure one can make a dollar, but the amount of time and focus that one needs is a lot. I for one I don’t think I can do that on a daily basis, I can do it once in a while. Like if I do 2 hours today then tomorrow I will go down to one hour the following day I may not even do it. Depending on how I wake up and the amount of time that I will have on my hands. It’s not as easy as it looks.

October 16, 2016 at 1:03 pm

@Anitah Gimase, Actually, I only spend the most here 45 minutes. I seldom spend 1 hour. I felt bore discussing hehehe, I want to post at least 3 a day, but sad, I cannot make it.This day though a Sunday but I am computing grades hehehe, what a super Sunday. I am though computing the daily tasks, but tomorrow is the first day of our final departmental exam, then I have 8 subjects to check, LOL I am tired now thinking about the test papers to check.Yay, I cannot have fun this time like strolling , watching a movie or dine in my favorite resto,Presto! work.

October 16, 2016 at 8:00 pm

I don’t know. Maybe your observations are much better and profound than mine. I don’t see how this is possible. I hope to make only a few cents and I am struggling. Lately, I do what you suggested and write long and bulky comments but in that way, I get tired very easy. I have to be absolutely honest and say that I use writing software to make my posts and comments readable and acceptable. If you can see my other works on my lot and some other places you will know what type of trouble I am talking.The blog takes the time to be approved you are right, and it takes 15 cents for one blog, but with longer 150 words comment it gives you only 4 cents. Did notice that? I wish there is a middle way of publishing free and without waiting so that shall make me more into work mode.

October 16, 2016 at 8:06 pm

@sauda It will take a lot to make that dollar in a day. I wish I can say it is easy, but I agree with you that it is not. For one dollar with this strategy, one has to take lots of time and post 150 in maybe 50 long comments.
That is 7500 words in only couple hours. It is not so easy. Maybe it can be easily achievable by some people who are either native writers or who have a strong wish or will to succeed in that plan, but I doubt that any of us have it in their blood.
Maybe if it takes whole day to participate….

@lovern I think that your plan is interesting to everyone but it is achievable only by some writers. Did you try to achieve it yourself? Is it possible?
I think it still requires at least 2 articles posted as blog published post to be able to achieve this , yes?

October 16, 2016 at 8:21 pm

I really try my hardest to write very long comments but sometimes the words just doesn’t come to me in most post like in others. I do try to write something that is meaningful and contributes to what has already been said previously.

@cely  I’m not certain that it only takes 10 discussions to reach $1 but I think it will take more than that. I have never received more than $0.02 per comment her in the forums so I am not quite sure. I do leave long comments majority of the time. My math sucks so I might be wrong.

@Anitah Gimase I’m here until I get bored or get distracted by something else. I do have other sites that I have to tend to such as Swagbucks and a few others. 

@Your Seldom Well you are doing great just for trying. Some would have given up a long time ago but you are determined to get your point across and I admire that. I bet it would be hard for someone like me to write in your language so I give you credit where credit is due. It would be nice if sites would automatically publish articles without the wait. I can understand that a majority of them wants to make sure the articles are not plagiarized or poorly written (in any language).



October 16, 2016 at 8:49 pm

@cely I just tested this theory and it seems I am getting about $0.o2 per comment (my comments) have been pretty long. I don’t think I have gotten anything over that amount here in the forums. So if I am getting $0.02 per comment then that means I would need to leave at least 50 comments in order to reach $1.00. This is still possible but I would have to push myself on some comments or even start a new post altogether. If I only get $0.01 per comment then I would need 100 comments to reach $1.00. That would be a lot of comments written. I rather get the $0.02. Then it would be cut in half.

October 17, 2016 at 3:54 pm

@evilelf, hehehehe, maybe I was just dreaming to see the figure. Who knows admin would like to increase some dollars to our discussions and approved post. Last night , I submitted a post and I see none from mine displayed here on, meaning still on approval mood. I hope that I can still have extra patience to continue writing here. You know it is very stressful to write only to see very poor income.I have a better salary in my active work, but I do not know why I want to struggle when there seems no clear reason.But then, I resolved that in writing here and in other sites, I can chance myself to meet nice virtual friends.It is also very beneficial on my part for I can constantly discuss , likewise, comment .

October 18, 2016 at 7:07 pm

I could have done that If I had the time and Internet bandwidth to do so many discussions. Yet I rarely have both or even one, not even on the weekends.
So, $1 is a high figure for me, generally.

October 18, 2016 at 7:28 pm

Hmm. I’m new here (today’s my first day!) 🙂  Trying to figure everything out as I go, so it is interesting to read the posts here and get insight about this site.

October 19, 2016 at 12:13 am

@evilelf today I skip long and exhausting session of commenting and put my focus to write more article posts in Literacy Base. that was what I was doing whole morning and I was absent from commenting in forums.
I am not able to do 10 discussion, but try to focus just in few that I can answer in proper way. Sometimes I think I can, but later when I write side to discussion I see my words are too incoherent and parts are not in rightful place they should be in normal written English.
Some times I write one day and I am so proud to make good length, thinking aw English language is so simple. Everybody say it is one of easiest languages in World to learn and use. But next day I take look at my writing text and it is just terrible. If I read it out loud, it sounds even worst.
Thanks for supportive words. trying is what I do best. Nobody can expect every text to pass quality, some are indeed poor written, so I understand and take watch of it next time I submit.

October 19, 2016 at 10:01 am

Writing is an art and it is the art to fascinate the readers’ attention but this arts rest on new ideas full of unique information about your article and along with the article must increase the readers’ knowledge that is why most of the writers cannot attract the readers’ attention due to lack of new ideas. In human brain the ideas creaters are angles that sit in human brain they create ideas with the decree of God therefore be holy mentally and spiritually you will be full of new ides very soon. JH Sayyar

October 19, 2016 at 10:25 am

Those who are interested in writing article of the best quality he or she must first of all think deeply because a deep thinker communicate with Angels who make new ideas in the mind and along with it award beautiful words for your article. It is not a laborious task but very interesting after a shot rime you will enjoy my advice. Expel the element of cheating from your mind keep on two things if you want to write something just look around the world and try to trace the topic to write and after this think over it  the pen will move automatically for writing. JH Sayyar

October 19, 2016 at 10:56 am

Really it is a nice procedure they have introduced here. As writing Articles needs some edition involving additions and commission it takes time to finalize them before posting. After posting one has to await approval. Till such time he can devote some time to the discussions and comments on the forum which gives him some earning. The chances of moving away from the site will be minimized .

I think soon other blogging sites emulate this procedure.

I was actually facing some problem with the browser. Still there is some problem. So I am taking some time to visit this particular site. Once the problem is resolved I can devote more time to this site.

October 19, 2016 at 11:10 am

I agree with you. Ladies participating on the Internet is a laborious task. They need to attend domestic work besides taking care of their children. This is the hardest part of work they have which everyone has to accept. Earning something besides their normal earning is not a joke. One needs to put a lot of attention . Posting an article requires..getting some idea, collecting some information, details, editing, searching for keywords, vocabulary observation and selection, searching for appropriate image…what not …everything has to be taken  care of meticulously. One has to do all this exercise with some devotion and dedication. We can not do it in a routine manner.