
The Cruelty and pain to animals

Mercilessness to creatures, additionally called creature manhandle or creature disregard, is both the accidental (creature disregard) and the purposeful punishment… Read More

7 years ago

Gamma our pet rooster who left behind indelible memories

Taking pictures of Gamma our pet rooster was an interesting activity as he was not like any other birds. He… Read More

7 years ago

Cat owners bonding with their pet

There are a considerable measure of specialists out there who say that felines are entirely autonomous creatures. These extremely same… Read More

7 years ago

cat litter normal or silicon best

Who has a cat , it you do have then you know that they are awesome but the part where… Read More

7 years ago

Neighbor Bitten by Cat, “Kamuning” was a Suspect!

Photo shows my cat "Kamuning" Yesterday, I heard kittens crying inside a grassy portion of the road near us, and… Read More

7 years ago

Which pet dog you have?

We keep pets for pleasure.And Some people keep dogs as pets.And Others keep birds, pigeon or rabbits as pets. Pets… Read More

7 years ago

“Kamuning Returned,” Where Could She Had Been?

After two days of being gone, I was so happy yesterday morning when my pet cat,"Kamuning" showed up near our… Read More

7 years ago

Finding my “Kamuning!” Where’s My Cat?

This morning I kept calling for my pet cat, "Kamuning," but I could not find her. She usually follows me… Read More

7 years ago

A Story of a Cute Bird

             My bird... Is yellowish in color, with black tiny curves on the head, and… Read More

7 years ago

A Cat that Likes to Sleep at the Top of My Head

If you found a cat that sleeps in your lap, congratulations because that cat chooses you to be their human.… Read More

7 years ago