Home & Garden

Join me in The Tidying Up Letting Go Of Stuff Challenge

Have you read or heard of the book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese art of decluttering and… Read More

7 years ago

Clarification And Analysation On What’s Confusing

My reaction to the hues and cries generated by Sultan of Sokoto's statement that "MEN SHALL INHERIT DOUBLE OF WHAT… Read More

7 years ago

fisher toy gym and stuffed lion

fisher gym and stuffed lion My friends friend had a baby and she went shopping and decided on fisher price… Read More

7 years ago

Steam sterlizer from stream guard

Steam sterlizer from stream guard when you have baby at home then there are many things to think tension about… Read More

7 years ago

The indispensable bougainvillea in a well appointed garden

Seasonal flowers no doubt add variety to a garden but having to replant them each season, one needs time to… Read More

7 years ago

Clorox is it healthy to use it

Clorox is it healthy to use it for cleaning or no? is there something else to do about it? let… Read More

7 years ago

solar lights for the garden from Aliexpress

I just got my purchased from Aliexpress, I like that site, they have great prices and free shipping, I bought… Read More

7 years ago

The Wonderful Usefulness Of Coconut You Should Know

I think almost all of us see how coconut body looks alike, how its fruit looks like and how everything… Read More

7 years ago

Sink clearner or Fairy, better result

Fairy is better Sink clearner or Fairy, better result I used it kitchen sink that had b to built up rust and… Read More

7 years ago

Black and decker vacuum machine, small machine

Black and decker vacuum machine, small machine Black and decker vacuum cleaner is super handy A friend gave it to… Read More

7 years ago