
Different Perceptions and Differences

The way we perceive things can effect our environments. Sometimes we'll have to change the way we think in order… Read More

8 years ago

How to Reuse Egg Shells in your Garden

Whenever I am in the kitchen, I would try to recycle , reuse,  reduce trash items into good use. One of the common ingredient that I usually use in my cooking  session is eggs! I use eggs for baking, cooking, steaming and my family’s favorite  egg bread for breakfast. My son and hubby loves sunny side up eggs while my daughter  and I prefer scrambled eggs with nothing, sandwiched between  2 slices of wholewheat bread. So, what do you do with those egg shells after you had cracked the  eggs?   (more…) Read More

8 years ago

Monkey repellent devices – a review

According to the Chinese calendar the year 2016 is considered to be the year of the monkey. I want to… Read More

8 years ago

Focus on the Importance in Life

There's people who are so focused on what others want and their needs that they'll forget about their own. Sometimes… Read More

8 years ago

Rural Population and agricultural produce

Global Scenario in Agricultural sector Sounds strange but according to United Nation’s social and economic sources the pattern of habitation… Read More

8 years ago

No one can Disconnect Purpose

Whatever someone is purposed to do. They'll succeed in that purpose even when others try to block the purpose. Even… Read More

8 years ago

The problem of waste plastic in sea water

Plastic Problem in Sea Water  Do any of you remember the British Petroleum disaster of Gulf of Mexico oil spill… Read More

8 years ago

Are we all at sea or are we headed for the sun?

Our population will reach 9 or 10 billion by 2050. With increasing levels of pollution, dwindling forest cover and population… Read More

8 years ago

Pollution and role of Professor Yi Cui inventor of Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)

Pollution is a serious problem in today's world. For lovers of nature and the environment, it has become a matter… Read More

8 years ago

Garbage Management

  This is how we manage our garbage We have different types of garbage - kitchen waste, broken pieces of… Read More

8 years ago