
Take Advantage of the Peaceful Days

Everyone needs their allotted quality quiet time. The time that's shared reflecting or just kicking back. Some deal with stress… Read More

8 years ago

The Newly Discovered Planet like Earth

This couple of days ago I was surprised to hear  about  newly discovered  planets.One of this planet looked like earth… Read More

8 years ago

The Storm and the Calmness

Sometimes we're not prepared for a storm or storms. Sometimes there's more than one storm at one time and when… Read More

8 years ago

Hurricane Season

In Jamaica, and other islands, (for I heard the same chant in Barbados) it is;  June -  Too Soon  … Read More

8 years ago

Silent Cries of the SilentSo

For those who are unable to speak out, there should be voices who say exactly what so many are afraid… Read More

8 years ago

Dealing With Unthankful Guys

Its really been tough to deal with unthankful people around. Need to have lots of patience and that is missing… Read More

8 years ago

The sun and me

I am no architect but always had interest in designing. I got to do that when I had the dream… Read More

8 years ago

Surrounded by Goodness

One doesn't have to stay in negative environments or be surrounded by those who are so consumed with envy. In… Read More

8 years ago

Global Warming – Jamaica? Not here

I live in Jamaica.  That is a tropical country.  In 2014 I had to sleep with socks from November to… Read More

8 years ago

4 Tips to Teach Your Kids about Recycle, Reduce & Reuse

Everyday is Earth Day. In order to save our planet Earth, we could do our bit by practicing the 3Rs… Read More

8 years ago