
Landslides In The Rural Village

The mayor of remote and little town of San Emilio makes another ocular inspection to a village where a landslide… Read More

8 years ago

Calamity Risk Is Ready

India stands in 77 ranks in World calamity  list, Vanuatu islands first in this calamity  list. United Nations  University Institute… Read More

8 years ago

is it ok to travel alone?

I love to travel and visit new places. I would spend all my money on such things since for now… Read More

8 years ago

Using animals in circus should be punished by law

I wish there was something I could do about this. I admit it that when I was little I liked… Read More

8 years ago

Rain Is Important To Farmers

The farmer must have pray so hard. This is some of the comforting words of the villagers when the rain… Read More

8 years ago

Find That Place of Comfort

Life can be so demanding at times and there's so many decisions to make. Although life can be so demanding,… Read More

8 years ago

Landscape And Skyline

When you are in the peak of the mountain and you can see the whole surrounding, as if you are… Read More

8 years ago

Why is vegetarian good for your health?

There are different versions on usefulness of vegetarian meals or even the meaning of vegetarian itself. You will be surprised… Read More

8 years ago

Desertification of lands

Due to desertification we are loosing 9.64 crores hectares of cultivated  lands. Is One third of land in the country… Read More

8 years ago

Artificial is going to replace natural

I have just read a news item that says 'scientist have developed trees which absorb Carbon dioxide. I am somewhat… Read More

8 years ago