
Short and simple history of pecan trees

History of pecan trees PECAN NUTS/PHOTO CREDITS TO PIXABAY Pecan trees, 'Carya Illinoinensis,' develop in characteristic forests in base terrains… Read More

8 years ago

A Poem You May Explore : Embracing Some Struggles For Tomorrows’ Hope

Embracing Some Struggles For Tomorrows’ Hope How high is the mountain? It is towering and so proud of being huge… Read More

8 years ago

Poem For Nature Lovers: Look At The Butterflies Cute In The Way They Fly

Look At The Butterflies Cute In The Way They Fly Butterflies of all sorts never live too long Lovely butterflies,… Read More

8 years ago

A Poem For All Humans: Let Us Chase The Waves To Catch Our Dream

Let Us Chase The Waves To Catch Our Dream The world that surrounds us is no longer the same It… Read More

8 years ago

Lack of Rains in Delhi NCR in January winter time: Is this something to be neglected or be acted upon?

Till many years, we used to see a set pattern of weather in Delhi NCR, and in fact most parts… Read More

8 years ago

Plant A Tree To Save Yourself

There is a very strong evidence to prove that trees evade torrential flood or shall we say slower the flooding… Read More

8 years ago

We Don’t Have Snow, But It’s Also So Cold Now, Here in The Philippines !

The Philippines is a tropical climate . It has only two season,  the wet and dry. Usually the dry season… Read More

8 years ago

Some Little Tips To Save Money (1)

These tips are not just  easy, they are almost no brainers.  I use them without thinking.   So you can… Read More

8 years ago

Global Warming? Strange Way of Showing it

As I write there is an ice storm raging in Europe. There are freezing temperatures causing power cuts, and fallen… Read More

8 years ago

Hiking is a great way to relieve stress.

Hiking is no doubt one of the most relaxing and fulfilling hobbies that there is, sure it is physically demanding… Read More

8 years ago