About LiteracyBase

Courage to Write on a Site You Never Know

This is what I feel now; what would be in store for us, what "surprises" would this site, Literacybase.com have… Read More

7 years ago

I wish we can do shorter tiltles in are post here on LB

I wish LB post did not need a long title for a post why do I wish this? some times… Read More

7 years ago

Should We Continue to Write?

I do not think it is a 'secret' that Something is Very Wrong here at Literacybase. No one was paid… Read More

7 years ago

Should Literacy base media library be remove?

Should the media library be remove from Literacy Base? I say yes the Literacy base library should be remove here… Read More

7 years ago

The Difference Between Advice and Competent Advice

I am sure you have a similar story.   Whether the 'key player' is a doctor, a lawyer, a technician,… Read More

7 years ago

Brexit, Immigration and Laws – What they mean to you!!!

UK has always been the IT destination for aspiring students. With world class infrastructure, facilities and a lifestyle to die… Read More

7 years ago

Master your CV and impress the world!

In today’s competitive world where each of us is on a race to outrun the other, a good CV or… Read More

7 years ago

The Pros and Cons of Work from Home

Work from home is an interesting concept. Those who have it crave for an office space where they can actually… Read More

7 years ago

more word games for a wrting topic

 word game how many word can you get from the word safety? Ok let see I am not sure if… Read More

7 years ago

spell checker not all way right

Some time spell checker does not work right. What do I mean by spell checker not working right? This is… Read More

7 years ago