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June 9, 2016 at 6:43 pm

Gibo Word of Wisdom 2

Things to do

I once invited by my son in one of his session which is arranged for the graduating programming students of his class to defend their system program presentation. Some of those students were cramming. Some weren’t ready. During their presentation of their encoded program, they stammered. They couldn’t express themselves well. They’re in fact confused. Thus, he composed this quote: “Preparation is a part of a presentation.” Just like the Boy Scout’s motto: “Always be prepared”.


June 12, 2016 at 1:35 pm

Is the one in the picture your son? Why is he sad?

Yes, I remember one quote that failing to plan is like planning to fail, something like that.

Oh the exact one, if you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail and this is from Benjamin Franklin.

June 12, 2016 at 6:34 pm

Yes, @grecy095. The person in the picture is my youngest son. He is my junior. No, he’s not sad. He is just acting for a picture in his image quote. By the way, today, June 12 is his 30th birthday. It coincides with the country’s 118th year Independence commemoration. He is also a reserved person like me. He is a workaholic. As a programmer, he is used to staying late in the evening doing some encoding, some programming work for the company he is working with.

He has come up with this image quote after we attended our semi-annual Church conference which is a direct broadcast from the Salt Lake City. We have a lot of good speakers especially our Church general authorities. As we listen to them, we are just like reading the scripture for which their messages as spiritually rich and inspiring. They are worth to be quoted and to be shared.

November 21, 2016 at 6:33 am

The man in the image seems to be a perfect actor. Acting is a difficult art but it seems it is not correct in his case as he does master this art.

November 21, 2016 at 8:45 am

“Preparation is a part of Presentation” It is a nice and inspiring quote, it motivates anyone who will read it.

Preparation is the key to a successful presentation. Without it, all is not worth, or worst the presentation is just a waste.

Better to be prepared before presenting anything or before doing your work also.

..I appreciate that quote of your son @nakitakona13

April 18, 2017 at 12:17 pm

You are right, preparation is important and really part of the presentation. In preparation should take 80% of time. There’s another saying which says that if you don’t prepare (plan )then you have planned or prepared to fail. Preparation also gives us confidence and courage. Take for instance in the game of cricket or any other game.  You will find that the players spend a lot of time preparing. The game of football or soccer as Americans may call it,  they only play 90 minutes,  but the win in that 90 minutes is determined by how adequate you prepared. Preparation reduces nervousness and anxiety. When you prepare you will see the end before the beginning.

April 19, 2017 at 7:49 am

That is true in order for a person to succeed in all his undertakings, he should have to lay down his plan. This takes a lot of preparation from the objectives, to the steps or manner in accomplishing the objectives, the materials and personnel needed, and the evaluation as to what has been achieved and as to what has been failed.

In doing so, the project should in anyway wouldn’t fail. This is the basic way of making things done perfectly.