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April 15, 2017 at 6:08 am

Some of you are in the retirement age or even planning to retire early. I was thinking what would you wanted to do after having an early retirement. If ever I am going to retire early, I will see to it that I am stable enough to be a productive individual. It wouldn’t be nice if I am not secured prior to early retirement. If the case wasn’t feasible for it, then I will continue to work and wait for my retirement time.

How about you, guys? Any plans of doing it?



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April 15, 2017 at 6:38 am

Life will be less productive if retire early unless started working at a young age like those military men and police. They retire early for they start working at 17 . Our neighbor retire at age 42 and his retirement money monthly is 24,000. He stared working in the military at age 17; whereas, those working in the private firms, cannot retire early. They have to wait at age 60 or 65 as mandate. One may retire early, but work will also be cut off and money no more hehehehe. It will be better to wait until retirement and increase the monthly premium of SSS so that there is better retirement benefit during old age. If having very small monthly payment one may expect to live instead of SSS pension, but live on LO-SSS.

April 15, 2017 at 6:44 am

@lovern I think I have to wait for that age But I still wanted to be productive and do more writing if the time comes. I felt bad for some of my batchmates that never tried to explore writing. You are right the early retirement depends on the status people from previous years. Now, it is not likely an ideal to do especially in our country.

April 15, 2017 at 7:01 am

@Shavkat, in the school where I teach, there are 2 teachers still teaching at age 80 hehehehe and despite old they were given part time loads of 5 subjects.These loads are so beneficial on their lives for there is additional money to their retirement , They are retired public school teachers. They have better monthly pension, but still lie to work to forget tomorrow, that tomorrow is the end life for there is no one immortal, only God. These two old ladies in their 80’s are still very kicking and alive,LOL. They are in good health. I salute to these old ladies. But I expect their students not to listen to her anymore due to slow voice , what a pity to work hard for the money;instead of : MONEY TO WORK FOR US.


April 15, 2017 at 8:52 am

For me, Retiring early is not a good idea specially to those that do not have enough savings to use for expenses after retiring even if they will be receiving a benefit from the government. For retirees who reach the end of their service as @cely said, they will be receiving enough as money is needed to buy anything needed in each household. Good thing to rich people to retire as early as they would like because they have employees to work for them unlike us who work in the company owned by someone else.

April 15, 2017 at 10:04 am

Whether one should retire early or till reaching the age of retirement depends on the financial capacity of the family. A person may join service at 17 years of age but will prefer to continue till he reaches the retirement if the financial condition of his family demands still his earning. If he is well off with less responsibility he may consider retiring early as it would provide an opportunity to another person to earn a livelihood for his family. This is really appreciable if he retires as he would nothing to lose by such retirement except some monetary benefit. But, the life he enjoys will be worth crores. I have seen number of people with sufficient financial support  retiring early enjoy their life taking tours to foreign countries, visiting famous shrines with their families, dining in various  restaurants enjoying varieties of  foods, playing with their grandsons and daughter, the opportunity nowhere seems to be available for those continuing service till the age of retirement.

April 15, 2017 at 1:04 pm

I always wanted to do that. I took some shortcuts and made some career mistakes. And learned that chasing early retirement needs to be done with timing and hard work. It’s not going to be easy. And for every person the retirement number is going to be different. So one has to see what works for him or her and then decide based on that. I think not all people can easily get retired but they can surely try for sure.

April 15, 2017 at 6:18 pm

@lovern It flashed back my dean in graduate studies. He is also at that same age. He works as dean and can remember he checked my thesis while his face almost kissing the manuscript. If I have the chance, I would love to be productive as he did. I can see you after the retirement age, my friend. You are still groovy teaching in the school at the senile stage of your life. Can you picture yourself like them?

April 15, 2017 at 6:23 pm

@titapaganah I think @lovern has a point for early retirement. It is also big difference for elite people to be in this situation. I was thinking to have a feasible business and if it is like a milking cow. Then, it is fine to have my desire to stop working.

April 15, 2017 at 6:27 pm

@shivamani I agree that it depends on the situation. I think some senile elders can have early retirement if the family is stable enough financially. If not, then it is better to continue rendering services until the retirement age.

@skysnap Majority of the people cannot afford to drop their source of income while working for certain companies. I do think having a business is not guaranteed to sustain life financially.


April 15, 2017 at 6:39 pm

@shavkat, yes that it depends on the status of your financial and yes of course if you have any other things to do to make money for early retirement then that would make fine. The  second comment of @lovern also makes me smile. Thumbs up to the people like teachers who make a fine product out of their labor which is us their students even if they are very old to teach, they did not retire just to make us professionals.

April 15, 2017 at 6:59 pm

@titapaganah I think I should of myself for being a teacher too. lol I think it depends on certain circumstances.

April 15, 2017 at 7:03 pm

@Tita, hehehehe thanks for mentioning me, you are so cool girl.You make my day,LOL.

April 16, 2017 at 4:26 pm

@shavkat, lol yes, if it will make you happy then go for it but as I have said think of some stuff you could do before leaving your current job. May I ask if you are a teacher?


April 16, 2017 at 4:53 pm

To be honest with you if i had an option to retire or not to retire i would choose not to. Why because if in this day and age where life is becoming harder and harder each time, i would rather be working and making my money to take care of me and my family. So that when the time to retire comes i am stable and i have a house and everything that i need to be to move on with my life comfortably without any stresses. Or if it is mandatory for me to retire from work at a particular time, then it will be a good idea if the company am working for compensates me really well or perhaps give me a retiring package to go home with, that will push me through life as i arrange my life ahead.