Author Posts

May 12, 2016 at 11:35 am

I’m not sure if hypnosis and regression are both acceptable forms of therapy in psychiatry. Because I heard and read so many reviews and remarks that are negative about the two procedures. They say, it is only a matter of suggestion thus making the subject believe that it was his or her memories that the therapist tapped into.

Like the case of some woman, who undergone a hypnosis therapy due to anxiety and depression. She wanted so much to learn why she is often depressed so her therapist suggested hypnosis because “she might have suppressed” a memory that is vital to her current condition. So she went on ahead with the procedure. The result – She thought she was molested and sexually abused by her father when she was a child. This caused her to be depressed even more. But further investigation says that she wasn’t and that the memory she was seeing were only “suggestions”