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January 14, 2017 at 7:55 am

Google is increasingly becoming notorious for rewarding sexual exploitation and harassment of women in India. The latest news is how google/Youtube paid Rs 70000 or more than $1000 to a young man in Delhi, Crazy Sumit(Sumit Verma) for forcibly kissing women in Delhi, without their permission, and uploading the videos on Youtube . If google was not paying for these videos of molesting women, the young man would not be roaming around kissing, molesting women in Delhi or elsewhere without their permission and uploading videos.
Earlier google had rewarded senior NTRO, CBI officials for defaming, sexually harassing, torturing a google competitor and single woman engineer, promoting their sex partners, relatives and friends, who never made any money online, as online experts to get all these fraud well connected women lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment, fake work.
The indian government refuses to take any action against the NTRO, CBI, security agency officials who are sexually harassing a harmless google competitor, and the kisser sumit verma has been let off, allowed to enjoy the google money for kissing, molesting. In your country also does google pay for sexually harassing, kissing women without their permission.

January 18, 2017 at 11:24 pm

Okay this is very sad and also absurd. How can someone do such things and go scott free? After reading all those scams thatvare going on india, i must say that the government is also gaining from all those things that ar3 going on. Why would they let it go on even when they know its wrong, its violating the freedom of women and also violating their rights as women in th3 siciety. The government must be part of the whole thing or they are probably protecting the people who are doing this things in return gor something. As for verma, i can say its a daring act that he is doing. But i must say poverty can push people to do things that they themselves wouldn’t understand. The guy must be doing it to escape from poverty to some extend i wouldnt really blame him. If i may ask has th3 guy ever gotten a thorough beating from a woman because of indecent behavior? Am sure if he did he would not try something like that again. If it were in my country everyone has a say to what goes on around them. So you as the citizens have a right to refuse certain things from taking place. So for that guy verma if he was to try that nonsense in my country he could easily be lynched and no one will feel sorry for him. Women in India should stand their ground and refuse to be treated like door mats. Am saying that because i watched some documentary on tv that was featuring women in India, and i was shocked the way women have no say really about their homes or even well being.

January 25, 2017 at 7:16 pm

Na wa o everything will always happen in India,hmm well the young man is trying to convert his notorious ways to traffic generation and that’s what’s the world likes,if you updates good stuff till you die they won’t watch but stuff like this they will patronize.

Well for the young man rooming around kissing is not an ideal way na guy abek change and even the government of India is not doing anything about.

Its ok after all its a free world.
Hope to see the government act fast on this.

January 29, 2017 at 7:32 pm

The Google funded Youtube Crazy Sumit who roamed about kissing women in Delhi area was very smart, he would kiss them and manage to run away before the women he kissed could react, chase and catch him. He was aware that the women would take some time to figure out what was going on, and he took the precaution of kissing women only in relatively deserted areas, where there were few people who could come to the help of him victims and catch him. If he had tried to kiss women without their permission in a busy area like a market or train platform, where there are a lot of people, he would be easily trapped and beaten up for assaulting women.

In fact, Sumit would never have been caught, if he had not uploaded the videos on Youtube and if his videos had not become very popular. Google has given him a certificate which will help him get a job in gaming or internet sector companies. The police appear to have let him off with a warning, though there is proof against him. This clearly exposes the hypocrisy of the indian security officials, they will ruthlessly stalk and torture innocent harmless women for more than 7 years, without any proof, against them, while men who sexually harass women are allowed to roam around freely without being punished.

February 6, 2017 at 10:09 am

This is very disturbing and horrible, if this is true. instead of giving that thousand dollar to the homeless and needy they are giving it to a kid just to have some videos to be posted on youtube.

This is so inhumane.

People should be more sensitive specially for the gender equality.