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January 2, 2017 at 12:28 pm


 There are things in life that you can’t hold on forever,

No matter how much you fight and suffer.

Sometimes destiny isn’t always good,

It becomes playful and mostly rude.

When you met someone you learned to love,

You thought that it was something to last.

It made your paths crossed,

It made you believe your happiness was close.

But what if making your paths crossed,

Is just a part of the game that the playful destiny imposed?

In the end, you just realized that no one’s around you,

The person you thought that was for you,

Wasn’t meant to stay but to go.

It felt bad to be left; too hard to turn to another way,

Bitterness is all that’s left to claim

As you are covered with those endless pains.

January 3, 2017 at 4:16 pm

That is what we call life that we failed to foresee as better or bad. Life is what we make it so with destiny. Sometimes we like to deviate ourselves from the supposed destiny but somehow we like to explore to prove if what we think and plan is right or wrong. If learned what we chose wrong, that is the time that we keep our head up high, sigh, ask why and why despite, we are the one making our destiny like a game.

That is the entry of a playful destiny because we to tolerated our feeling.Though we know the feeling matters most yet the opposite sex does not care, still we remain firm with the hope of a love to triumph, and finally no triumph at all , but an absolute disgrace of pain., that destroys our hopes and aspirations that someday happiness will be achieved with the love of our life. Our love of life just plays our destiny. We have to rise and never be misled with a wrong guy that only likes to play love like a game.

January 4, 2017 at 8:15 am



April 12, 2017 at 8:28 pm

That is what life is. Between this short period of time, it is good to be positive and loving. Whatever may be the destiny or call it fate it is good to accept what we are given. From what I believe is that we are just playing the roles that already we are assigned for which the supreme power is playing us.

Destiny can bring some painful things in life but it is that situation that makes us stronger. Even though it is impossible to stay strong all the time we should be brave enough to handle the situation which can be evolved.

You have written beautifully about destiny and I hope it brings you all luck and happiness in your life and I pray to god for that. Thanks for sharing.

April 13, 2017 at 8:17 am

@haripriya, Yes, that what life is. It is all up to us to deal with every situation that it may bring.

Thanks for the idea you have imparted. Well appreciated. Hoping you too for a happy life. 🙂

April 18, 2017 at 9:20 am

I was once in love with someone everything seemed right at first of course. I never thought we will ever part our ways, i thought that it will last forever but I was wrong. The more we were getting to know each other the more the gap was widening between us and the more she was becoming increasingly strange. Instead of trusting her more,  yet the more truth I had about her,  the more trust feded off. She became more strange day by until we finally went separate ways. But the person I’m married to came in my life like a joke. Playfully we got involved, engaged until we got married.