Author Posts

December 26, 2016 at 10:27 pm

The international media carried the news of how vulnerable poor hindu women in pakistan like jeevti are stolen by rich sindhi muslim landlords in sindh, however the international media is refusing to carry the 100% true news of how the top indian intelligence and security agency officials, NTRO,CBI are stealing the resume, memory, correspondence, savings of vulnerable indian women, especially female engineers from top colleges in the indian internet sector, and selling the life of these women to large companies like google, tata to increase their profit, acquire talent and technology cheaply, destroy competition.
Like Jeevti, the harmless indian women are held virtual prisoner unable to communicate with anyone as their correspondence including emails, phone calls, smses, postal mail, is diverted and stolen. The google, tata sponsored relatives, friends and sex partners of top officials falsely claim to have the resume, investment of the woman whose life is sold and get lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment, fake work. Unlike pakistan, the indian women sold do not even get any kind of help from the human rights commission in India
Are women in your country sold by government officials or powerful men like in India and Pakistan or is trafficking in women really prevented ?