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May 9, 2016 at 1:15 pm

I have been meditating ever since I joined Art of Living foundation in 2008. Meditation is the best habit I have incorporated in my lifestyle. Just 15-20 minutes of meditation every day helps me in getting rid of stress and maintaining my peace of mind. Do you meditate?

May 9, 2016 at 1:58 pm

That is something I failed to do and I even if I try, I can’t do that in here, inside our house because we have a lots of dogs and they will bark when something strange is happening. They bark with strangers standing outside our house. They are always noisy. Also, my father is talking and shouting all the time so it is impossible to meditate at home. I have to go somewhere.

May 9, 2016 at 6:00 pm

@grecy I used to get disturbed by the noise during meditation. But now outside world doesn’t make a difference when I am meditating. Slowly with practice, you can reach that stage. You can try meditation during early morning hours when everybody is asleep. Try some guided meditation app on your phone in the beginning. It will help!

May 9, 2016 at 7:39 pm

I guess you could say I meditate in my own way.  When things are getting to me, I say a prayer to God, that it’s too much to handle…take it over.  I often tell myself to breathe in, breathe out…and say to myself “this will pass.”

May 9, 2016 at 9:22 pm


Meditation is one thing that i can’t do. Because i can’t sit and stay calm 😛

I also had read that meditations is the best options for an A type person, while as for me – the O type, outside activity is the one for me.



May 9, 2016 at 9:33 pm

I practice vipassana meditation. I was introduced to Vipassana meditation when I was a ninth grader.

May 10, 2016 at 10:57 am

These days I am hooked to japa meditation. I chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and meditated on the holy names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

May 11, 2016 at 12:20 am

I do not meditate and I wish I can grasp the art. I have heard good things about meditation and I would love to try

May 15, 2016 at 10:16 am

@swalia It’s really good of you to have consistently medidate daily.

I have always wanted to learn meditating, and tried to meditate on my own, but I found it’s not easy to do so, as I could easily be distracted. Until I attended a short Buddhist Zen meditation course last year, I really learned a lot from the short course. It helped me to learn the proper way of meditation, and now I can easily sit down and meditate without being distracted, even in a noisy environment. It may also be caused by I am more peaceful than I used to be, so I can focus easier than before.

I still haven’t get the habit of meditate daily. I think even 10 minute meditation a day helps me to stay calm and have peaceful mind too.

@grecy095 Yes, I agree with swalia. With practice, we can really keep calm and ignore the ambient noise. It took me some time to find the meditating method I am comfortable with too. Perhaps as swalia suggested, try with some guided meditation will help you to ignore the noise around you. Have you tried yoga? Though it’s not meditating, I think it’s a way to keep ourselves calm and in peace too.

May 15, 2016 at 10:55 am

@Lee Ka  I agree. It’s good to join some meditation classes in the beginning if you have trouble in meditating. I started meditating after I did a basic course with Art of Living Foundation. I did numerous advance meditation programs with them in the years to come. All this helped me a lot in my meditation practice. Since last two years, I started going to the local ISKCON temole (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). Their focus is on chanting and japa meditation. I found it difficult at first but within a month, I was able to do the prescribed 16 rounds of chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra which I do on a daily basis now.

May 15, 2016 at 11:25 am

I do not meditate because i don’t know how and not keen either.


But an old friend of mine who had embraced buddhism a few years ago became calm and peaceful after she had practiced meditation.


She said that meditation requires your peaceful mind.

If you have troubles in your head, you cannot concentrate in meditating regardless of tries.


Environment is another factor. She has a special meditation room surrounding with prayers stuff and non electrical items.


She said you need to understand what meditation is all about. Forcing yourself doesn’t work

May 15, 2016 at 12:28 pm

@swalia I will. I know there are meditation guide at YouTube as well. I might check that one too. I cannot download any app now as my phone is lagging, though it only has few apps in there.

@kaka135 haven’t tried Yoga too and I want it as well. I need somewhere quiet if I will be doing those and I need some company that would be interested to try too.

May 15, 2016 at 12:31 pm

@peachpurple that is what I am thinking as I did try once to meditate and it puts me to sleep. Also, sometimes I try to meditate then my dogs began barking and they ruin everything I started. Unfortunately, I do not have a place here in our house. Our house is too small. Once I sit still in the bed, a dog will start licking my face, thinking that I am getting back to sleep.

May 15, 2016 at 12:34 pm

@peachpurple  Your friend is right. Meditation is not concentration, it is deconcentration. You have to embrace your environment, your thoughts and feelings. It’s not possible to become thoughtless. You just have to observe your thoughts dispassionately without becoming entangled in your thoughts. It needs practice but it’s worth it.

May 16, 2016 at 11:49 am



LOL I couldn’t stand it, I kept laughing till I dropped off my chair when I read your comments!

Your doggie are cute and your sleepy head is cute too sis!



yes , she is right. I don’t think so I can meditate.

Firstly, my son keeps bothering me.

Secondly, I have household chores and cooking to do.

Thirdly, I do not have a quiet environment. Now I could hear Plants vs zombies bashing up each other on the android phone, the neighbor cats are fighting, the garbage truck just came by, the newspaper recycle vendors just blared the horns and the gas vendor too.

So, tell me, how do I meditate???