Author Posts

August 28, 2016 at 4:33 am

Interesting question that I came across and thought I would ask you too. What are your first internet earnings, do you remember something that headed you up and made you proud. My first earning was last month on myLot, yeah I am not making a lot of money online, I just started in July.. actually I received the payment in 12th of August, it was only $7, a small but significant payment that grew up my hopes and made me continue to work around, and search for more magnificent sites. What was YOUR first Internet earning/income?

August 30, 2016 at 5:55 pm

My very first pay online was 50$ wow that was the beginning of my addiction on the net. when i saw an email telling me that i had received a payment i was so happy i never thought it was for real, until i transferred the money into my account and saw it, then i believed. it was wonderful and i have never stopped working online. however small the amount may be it is well worth it than nothing at all.

August 30, 2016 at 7:31 pm

A very interesting question to me as well! I have been active in online blog last year for a period. I joined Bubblew during its late stage, the site seems facing some payment problem but the management promised to resolve the problem as soon as possible and as they can.

I have put in effort until accumulated about 80% or USD40 before able to make my first redemption, however the site seem suspended afterward. This was my first online blogging and bad experience.

This year, I am back to online blogging life, I was very active at chataout last two months for heading my first payment objective. Again, when reached 80% of minimum payment treshold, i.e 800 points, the site shut down suddenly without our notice. It really made me shock! We just failed to load the page. How  could it be?

I am now active at LB, I hope I will manage to hit my first redemption target here perfectly.

August 30, 2016 at 8:50 pm

My first money online were made on Bubblews, an old site similar to LB (I think you knew it). I never got paid, anyway, since that website was really bad on payments.

My first real money on the net were made by an italian social network that pays you for writing on their service. I got 84€(and it was pretty fast too, one day I made 20€, but now it’s different).

Then, I started trying affiliate marketing and so on and I’m currently writing on myLot and here (mabye even blogbourne could become a part of my routine), while joining and exploring the world of the most famous social networks… to gain traffic, basically 🙂

August 30, 2016 at 9:54 pm

  1. My first online money making experience was a few years back. I used to belong to a yahoo group where article writing assignments were picked up and you get instant payment upon approval. I was so bored with nothing to do so just tried it out! Thank goodness I did since  that was the time I discovered it is possible to earn online!

August 30, 2016 at 10:52 pm

My first earning was ten dollars at payperpost.

It is a review site where i wrote a review for a company, got paid the next day.

Very happy to receive in my paypal account


After that i earn at hubpages for many years

September 1, 2016 at 10:58 am

@ Ваљон My first online earning was 25$ from bubblews. After that, I got many payments from the site till it stopped paying.

September 1, 2016 at 12:23 pm

My first Online earning too was on Mylot in the year 2007. Now it has been nine years, and I have seen a lot of ups and downs.

September 12, 2016 at 1:00 pm

My first Internet earnings I received came from LinkVehicle. It was $12.75 USD. That was three years ago. LV was the one that emailed me to write about the product which they want me to write a review. I wrote about 500 words and published it on my blog. I emailed them the link to my write-up. Their editor reviewed it and it passed. A week later, I received an advice from my PayPal Account that $12.75 USD was credited to my account.

Every month LV sent me a sponsored posts to be published my blog site. And the same, they’re on time in paying me. As of this writing, I don’t have any communications from them. When they want me to publish their post, I am always ready.

Before they’re giving the post to be published, they’re evaluating your blog site first as to its integrity, to its trust rating, to its Internet Speed. If you pass all those things, they’re going to send you articles or product specs to write for a review.

September 16, 2016 at 2:42 am

So I seen on Facebook where you could make money online by sharing a video and commenting they would give you the information on how you too could earn $3000 a week at home. I thought for sure it was a scam but I’m down for trying anything. The next day no reply on how to start this business. So I searched online how to make money by posting ads on Facebook. My search results lead me here. So I decided to give it a try. This will be my first site to make online money. Wish me the best because I’m still skeptical. 🙂

September 16, 2016 at 8:19 am

Hi, nice meeting you on this site.

My first earning was $22. It went on increasing and but could not reach $200 per Article. Later I received many. But, all are below $100 only. Still, the $22 is unforgettable. I jumped out of my bed when I saw the email with “Congratulations!. Your Article has been accepted”. The journey started from thereon and is continued.  I never dishonor any site , however, small the payments may be. They should be quite nice and sincere.  I want to make it a never ending journey. My desire is to write an Article for ‘The Nation’ and to grab $500 at a stretch.