Author Posts

June 13, 2016 at 12:09 pm

The beginners or amateur bloggers should design the blog themselves rather than spending money on a professional designer. However, you can do so at a later stage once the blog is established.

I designed my personal blog myself. But for my other site I hired a professional designer as it was a professional website and I had to introduce payment getaways which I couldn’t do myself.

November 4, 2016 at 1:20 am

I really am new in blogging. I knew about blogging newly and can not say anything about professional designers and ordinary developer designers. I wish to know a lot about blogging. I see people talking about blogging and how they earn money but I really don’t know what it looks like until I encountered which certainly pays so slowly but I still will keep ensuring with their low payment cos I can remember reading an article which states that blogging earns slowly especially when you are starting newly. I wish to learn how to create my own blog and send information to it. I really don’t know how to create a personal blog but I wish to have a personal blog which I can also earn from in conjunction with So my dear, can you SHALOWALIA, teach me how to create blog and how to monetize my blog.
Thanks for your post my dear.