Sumerian myth

Anunnaki in Sumerian mythology and in Zecharia Sitchin cosmogonyAnunnaki in Sumerian mythology and in Zecharia Sitchin cosmogony

Anunnaki in Sumerian mythology and in Zecharia Sitchin cosmogony

The Anunnaki in Ancient Mesopotamian religion are quite a different set of divinities but the ones described in the Zecharia… Read More

8 years ago
Annunaki and the Nibiru theory are hoaxAnnunaki and the Nibiru theory are hoax

Annunaki and the Nibiru theory are hoax

To this very day, not a single serious scientist has taken a minute of their own expensive time to explain… Read More

8 years ago
Interesting facts about Nibiru, Planet X and AnnunakiInteresting facts about Nibiru, Planet X and Annunaki

Interesting facts about Nibiru, Planet X and Annunaki

What are the Planet X, or Nibiru, and the ancient alien race called Annunaki? Do they really exist? Is this… Read More

8 years ago