Drew Sheehan posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
Who to trust? NO ONE. You wake up one day feeling like you are in love. feeling like you feel you can trust this person with your life. Well im telling you dont trust one person. yourself. or get hurt bad. love come and goes like the wind that blows. The person you put your trust in one day might just crush your dreams to spend time with others . thats just how life is. no way around this problem. if you get into a relationship just dont fall into the dream that you will always feel the way you do now. your own children who you have brought into this world are an example. they will step on your face one day if they dont like what you say. it happens every day. if your saying that would never happen to me or my family you are wrong. I am not saying dont ever love anyone. just know that even the happiest people are safe from a devastating