• Profile picture of My Thought

    My Thought posted an update 8 years ago

    Please Share My Thoughts:
    Why is it that school Sports cost so much? The cost of activities that was once used as molding and guidance tools are ridiculous. I remember having to be involved in an extracurricular activity when growing up. Our so called county parks and schools which serves the communities seems to have more focus on money then giving these kids an outlet. I myself try hard as I can to keep my two sons involved in some type of activity. The cost hurts but it seems this is what you have to do. Go broke to give them opportunities. Pay your county to lower their prison rate and theft rate. These kids need coaches and teammates verses cell mates. Why must the parent pay a mortgage for it or go broke for opportunity for their child? I challenge the law makers to look into your park involvement and school sports enrollment before looking at your crime stats. This is not to say activities stop problems but I’m saying give EVERYONE a CHANCE. They can get a GANG for FREE. They can break in your house for FREE.

    • Nobody cares about the children anymore they see $$$

    • I know of families is our area that homeschool. They tell me that they’ve enjoined most of their older children to activities, such as drama acting workshops, self-defense, sports, youth choirs…etc. The parents and the children believe mutually believe that they are benefiting from them. Yeah, they pay tons, too. But they tell me they are happy to do them all over again.