Sathish kumar posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago
Medical abbreviation
AF : : atrial fibrillation AIDS : acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AKA : alcoholic ketoacidosis ALL : acute lymphoblastic leukaemia AMI : acute myocardial infarction ARF : acute renal failure BP: blood pressure CABG: coronary artery bypass graft CAH: congenital adrenal hyperplasia CCF: congestive cardiac failure CF: cystic fibrosis CHD: coronary heart disease CNS: central nervous system COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CPAP: continuous positive airways pressure CRF: chronic renal failure CSF: cerebrospinal fluid CT: computer mography CVA: cerebrovascular accident (stroke) CVD: cardiovascular disease DKA: diabetic ketoacidosis DU: duodenal ulcer DVT: deep vein thrombosis ECG: electrocardiograph EEG: electroencephalogram ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESRD: end-stage renal disease FPG: fasting plasma glucose GIT: gastrointestinal tract GU: gastric ulcer GvHD: graft versus host disease HAV: hepatitis A virus HBV: hepatitis B virus Hcg: human chorionic gonadotrophin HCV hepatitis: C virus HIV: human immunodeficiency virus HNA: heparin neutralising activity ICH: intracranial haemorrhage IDA: iron deficiency anaemia IDDM: insulin dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus IFG: impaired fasting glucose IGT : impaired glucose tolerance IHD: ischaemic heart disease Ig: immunoglobulin IM: intramuscular INR: international normalized ratio ITU: intensive therapy unit IV: intravenous IVU: intravenous urogram K+: potassium kg: kilogram KUB: kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) LBBB: left bundle branch block LCM: left costal margin LFTs: liver function tests LIF: left iliac fossa LUQ: left upper quadrant LVF: left ventricular failure LVH: left ventricular hypertrophy MC&S: microscopy, culture & sensitivity MCH: mean cell haemoglobin MI: myocardial infarction Min: minutes MPD: myeloproliferative disease MRI : magnetic resonance imaging MS : multiple sclerosis or mass spectroscopy Na+: sodium NaCl: sodium chloride OA : osteoarthritis OCP: oral contraceptive pill PACWP; pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure PAD: peripheral arterial disease PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PB: peripheral blood PBC : primary biliary cirrhosis PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention PCL: plasma cell leukaemia PE: pulmonary embolism PR: per rectum PT: prothrombin time PV: plasma volume RAS: renal angiotensin system or renal artery stenosis RBBB: right bundle branch block RBCs: red blood cells RCC: red blood cell count Rh: Rhesus RIF: right iliac fossa RUQ: right upper quadrant SC: subcutaneous SDH: subdural haemorrhage SOB: short of breath SM: smooth muscle SVC : superior vena cava SVCO: superior vena caval obstruction SXR: skull x-ray T°: temperature t1/2: half-life T4: thyroxine TA: temporal arteritis TB: tuberculosis TFT: thyroid function test TIAs: transient ischaemic attacks TPO: thyroid peroxidase TRAB: thyrotropin receptor antibodies TSH : thyroid-stimulating hormone TT: thrombin time u/U: units UC: ulcerative colitis U&E: urea and electrolytes UKPDS: United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study URTI: upper respiratory tract infection UTI: urinary tract infection USS: ultrasound scan VIII: C factor VIII clotting activity VIP: vasoactive intestinal peptide Vit K: vitamin K VSD: ventricular septal defect W WBC: white blood count or white blood cells……….
AF : : atrial fibrillation AIDS : acq