• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Once a Week vs Every Other Day Shopping 7 years, 8 months ago

    I used to have a motorcycle  which I rode to and from work.  Every day, almost, on my way home from work, I’d stop at a particular crummy supermarket and buy what I felt like.  I didn’t know what I’d eat for di […]

    • Regular shopping is good for not to miss anything that comes in the form of offers, deals, and fresh stock. But, it needs a lot of patience also. It is actually a test for patience. Coming all the way from a bike and parking it in the appropriate place means it is a challenge. Can you park every day in the Cellar meant for the two wheelers? Is it not a test for your patience? But one has to develop this activity to improve one’s personal relationships with others in the society we live in. This is a good habit.
      The other benefits are monetary but the developing inter-personal relationship is more than that.

      • I park right at the front of the store, in the handicap parking…(I do have a pin in my leg). I do have a lot of good relationships with all the people around the market, as I take my venture like a social engagement. So it does enhance that relationship as you mentioned.

    • I used to think once a week was good, but I prefer being able to run in when I want and not have to make that many plans. When it comes to vegetables, I always pick those that look a little handicapped or like they suffered to avoid GM.

    • I am no fan of shopping. Believe me. I don’t like it one bit. But it is something that needs to be done. Shopping daily is just ridiculous. Shopping once a week is better. I am actually looking into shopping for groceries online now. There are many services that we can do that now.

    • If you have your own transpeed and you pass the supermarket each day…?

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, You Need To See The Original Title 7 years, 8 months ago

    There are copies of the official title in the possession of persons who own, or claim to own property.  These are copies.  The Title you Need to see is in a Government Office.

    This is why…

    Turning Lemons i […]

  • Profile picture of Daniel Makallo

    Daniel Makallo posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    Education is treated as a strategies agent for mindset transformation and for the creation of a well educated society.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic History – World – Red Figured Amphora – Greek in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 8 months ago

    Greek culture, society and language and kingdoms are ancient and were famous are and are so even today. There are millions of unique articles and artefact and ancient kingdoms which existed during those times when it was a golden age for this culture.  This article in world history deals about the Red-figured amphora.
    Red-figured amphora  is m…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Daniel Makallo

    Daniel Makallo and Profile picture of Miranda HuntMiranda Hunt are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of Daniel Makallo

    Daniel Makallo and Profile picture of Cassy JanineCassy Janine are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Giving the American Television Series Elementary Another Chance 7 years, 8 months ago

    Sometime ago I compared the two ‘versions’ of a modern day Sherlock Holmes.   That is, the British “Sherlock” to the American “Elementary”.

    In a way, it was a bit unfair, for Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock is, […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Riding a Motorcycle; being a Woman 7 years, 8 months ago

    It was many years ago when I was waiting for a bus when I saw a dumb looking guy shooting past on a motorcycle.  I thought to myself, “I can ride a bike, how hard could a motorcycle be if this guy can operate […]

    • The main thing is to get from Point A to Point B. When I was growing up, we had a pretty good public transportation system. As a result, I rode buses all over Miami, Florida, and into the Greater Miami areas as well (Coral Gables, Miami Beach, etc.) I didn’t learn how to drive until I got married. I was 21 years old by then. I drove lots of places, i.e. different states in the US and different cities within the state of Florida. Having a reliable form of transportation – public or private – is very liberating.

      The motorcycle were never my thing because I never learned how to ride a bike. By the way, I don’t recommend that. Riding a bike is a life skill and it’s something everyone should learn how to do. I missed out but encourage others to do so. Also, never learned how to swim. Another important life skill. My kids taught themselves how to ride a bike and swim. Thank goodness they didn’t rely on me! 🙂

      • You are not too old to learn. Listen, Ema… who is 100 years old, went to school to learn how to operate a computer at the age of 89. You should learn how to swim, (life saving for sure) and ride a bike… it’s really nice.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Conservation: Pollution – By Fire Crackers World Over – An Analysis in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 8 months ago

    Appreciate your opinion on the topic, hope people all over the world mend their ways for the better. The long term effects of all this pollution will be disastrous on the environment and for the future generations. Hope realisation dawns on all concerned.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Festivals: Sankranti – Kite Festival Of India – We Need A Safe Festival For All in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

    The festival of kites Sankranti also called the festival of Uttaryan is fast approaching and we will have lots of colorful kites soaring and dotting the sky all over the country. It is the festival of harvest and reflects life in different colors which are vibrant in the form of kites. There will be numerous kite festivals held which will have…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, What is and is not Plagiarism 7 years, 9 months ago

    Some years ago, on another site, I wrote an article about the Black Plague.

    I researched the Bubonic plague, and got a great deal of information. I posted my first article on the topic. I was quite proud of it […]

    • This has happened to me before too. Then I realized that you and another can bother be doing research and information can lead you to taling about the same topic but in different ways.It’s still good to check in on a topic that looks similar to yours to make sure though.

      • Oh yes… that is key. Make sure; but also I find that when I’m writing I have to NOT read any one else’s stuff so that I don’t wind up taking ‘your’ topic.

        It was amazing, I’m in Jamaica, the chap was in England, and I was watching the BBC World Service News, which touched on Bubonic Plague and ran to research it. He was watching the News on the BBC, which ran the same story, and he was fascinated by various plagues.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, It is Just as Easy to be Nice… 7 years, 9 months ago

    My mother used to tell me;  “It is just as easy to be nice as it is to be nasty, so be nice.  You can always be nasty.”

    I’ve tried my best to be nice.  To present a pleasant countenance, to speak kindly, to be wa […]

    • You and I are very much alike. I am nice, and when that doesn’t work, I show my claws and cut them off. Sometimes I don’t show my claws, I just go away.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Conservation: Pollution – By Fire Crackers World Over – An Analysis in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

    Any sort of killing or slaying of humans or wildlife should be banned as it is barbaric and the people who perform such acts would not like to be at the receiving end do they? The pain is always felt properly when the same is inflicted directly on us. Humans by nature are self destructive and greedy and would go to any extent to see that they…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, How Some WebSites Cut Their Own Hits 7 years, 9 months ago

    I used to get news delivered to my in box from a particular service.   I liked it, quoted it, thought it was a good service.  It decided to charge.  I no longer use it.  I applied for another service, which is fre […]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Conservation – killing Of Elephants – Petitions – Attitude Of Humans in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is an important topic being revisited again in the new year. As there are a lot of petitions which have been signed by me to save such and such a wildlife or a forest which is being deforested in the name of economic activity and so called development for solely the purpose of humans and their selfish needs disregarding all the others who are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, How To Deal with the Slow Brain 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is perfectly evident.   It takes you a second or two to recognise it.  It’s clear.  But!   If you are around a person with a Slow Brain, they will take forever to recognise it, and in between, will ‘di […]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Religion: Hinduism – About Lord Shiva – Shiva Linga in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

    Why every atomic nuclear plant in the world geometrically resembles with shiv ling?
    Because that is the only geometrical shape that can withhold such a tremendous form of energy, Vedic scriptures say that vast amount of energy continuosly radiates from shiv linga, hence a water vessel is hanged over it to keep it calm by falling drops of water…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Religion: Hinduism – About Lord Shri Krishna – Dress & Colours in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

    Lord Krishnas devotees love to decorate him with exotic robes and jewellery. Loaded with glittering ornaments, he adorns himself with a plain and simple peacock-feather on his crown. Peacock feather is his inseparable accessory. In fact, Shri Krishna’s peacock-plume signifies many things which can directly be linked to our lives.

    The plume on…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Dealing With The Curse of Cassandra 7 years, 9 months ago

    You might think being able to read situations and know what is going to happen next is a great gift.
    Not only does no one who has any control over the situation listen, but when it happens, they have this […]

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