• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple posted an update in the group Group logo of Friends in real lifeFriends in real life 8 years, 4 months ago

    In the physical world, I have no friends after I had married to my hubby.

    It is alike being caged for life.

    Hence, I seek virtual friends which I had found at LiteracyBase and Blogjob plus Hubpages.

    These are the people who could talk to me and give me advices.

    I have a virtual brother who is a helpful grandfather, a dad and a hubby .

    He is very good at PTC sites, give me guidance about kids, family and we talk a lot about each family events, happening.
    Maybe because we come from the same country but different states.

    The real world friends do not exist anymore.
    They either back stab me, cheated my money and poke fun of me which I disliked.

    Friends are petty bunch of people, hard to communicate because they are too realistic, materialistic.

    That is what I felt about real friends.

    Maybe it is just my luck to have such friends.

    • Before Internet came into being we depended on real friends. I have more virtual than real friends now.
      Sorry to hear about your experiences.