• Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

    Greetings! I just have signed in. I am a new comer here. I hope I could find more friends here and could interact fully well to the posts and updates here.

    • Welcome..
      Hope you will have fun time while hanging around in here 🙂

      • Thank you for the welcome. I will do my best to get more fun here by posting more topics, interacting and whatever I could do to make myself busy here and productive.

    • Hi there, welcome to the site! I think you will be able to find many friends here, old and new ones. Hope you’ll enjoy staying here. 🙂
      Do check out the groups, especially About LiteracyBase and Newbies, you might learn more about the site from that group.

      • Thanks for the warm welcome and for the assurance. I find it now at home here because of you, because of some friends I have had in the other site. They are also here. This site seems to be comfortable if you are diligent, resourceful and active in doing the task of writing, commenting, among others. Again, thank you. 🙂