Marjon lauronal camillo
@marjon2010 active 6 years, 6 months agoRank: Newbie
M0st scientific kn0wlege is the result of carefully planned investigati0ns c0nducted by trained scientists.their meth0d requires h0nesty,the ability to withhold decisi0ns until all evidence is on hand, and the desire for truth.these statements can be underst0od better if a familliar example is given. View
Mmhhh interesting given that all the documentaries that i have qatched on the life of ahakur i ha e never heard about this love atory between him and Madonna. Who would have ever thougjt that two top musicians like Tupac and Madonna could actually have a fling? Wow its very interesting. I love Tupac he was one of my favorite rap artists back in the day i really enjoyed his music. I have actually learned something new today. Am just trying to picture the two it sounds very weird but i guess everyone has their own comfort.
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