• Profile picture of Quincy Grant

    Quincy Grant posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    I know by me promoting this life tea that there would be a lot of questions about does it kill cancer does it detox your lungs prostate inmune system I expect that but some of yall or just disrespectful let me put it this way 75 percent of the food in the united states comes from overseas or another country and 60 percent of our food made in the United States goes overseas to other countries yes that’s right that is what called the trade agreement yes most of our cattle vegetables fruits goes overseas and in return we get there fruit and vegetables and cattle which usually have pesticides worms bacteria virus on it or in it which produces cancer cells but yet though for those of you who already know this has become vegetarians and only share the knowledge among family and friends and for the one’s who don’t becomes cancer patients cancer is developed from a number of things including smoking but yet though yall still smoking paying $7-$11 for a pack of cigarettes that yall already know increases your chances of lung disease heart attacks heart failure and death and here I am trying to make a difference because so many of you are dieing of heart disease at a alarming rate and I get the most stupid question let me put it to you this way it’s blended tea leaves with honey and fresh lemon juice with 2000 MG of flex seed oil the tea is boiled in purified water have any of the ingredients alarm you yet I pay out of my pocket for every thing and I also blend every thing myself I ain’t saying it’s some of instant healer I am saying get it into your system and watch the difference in how you feel what if it could heal you your telling me you rather die than to try it you rather let your love ones die rather to give it to them it’s natural no sugar added but for years you eat pecides and never once question what’s in your food before you eat it gave it to your family and friends I lost my daddy from heart disease and my aunt from cancer less than a month after she found out she had it so now yall no my motivation why I want to put a end to people dieing see it’s not about money if I can keep people around a little bit longer why not I ain’t saying it keeps people from dieing all I’m saying is what is it hurting to give it a try believe me I have given and sold over 600 jars and no one said one bad thing about it and I do ask for those who buy it phone number so I can keep in touch and I was told how they couldn’t afford the medicine and Medicare wouldn’t cover they health plan the one thing about my life tea if you feel as it’s not working just stop giving or drinking it but if you can drink tea you can drink this life tea because the cure for everything the doctor gives you have the side effect of bleeding light headed and death the side effect for my life tea is it may make you pee a lot while it detox and clean your body and system out and yes I do drink it myself I give it to my mother and kids and my 94 years old granddaddy who is a diabetic. Facebook thanks for your support.