• Profile picture of Kacy Buecker

    Kacy Buecker posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    hi im kacy i just started im not sure on how this works??

    • Hi Kacy, I’m Kyla; I also answer to Ruby.

      I’m not sure exactly what aspects of the site you need help with. But essentially, you can write and submit posts of 300+ words; when they publish you will earn a small amount of money depending on the length and quality of the post. You can also earn money for things like leaving comments, interacting in a forum, etc. See the “Rewards” tab to learn more about that.

      Once you’ve earned $10 or more, you can ask for a payment. Payments are made once a month, on the 10th of the month. You must request payment by the last day of the month to be paid on the 10th of the next month. So for the July 10th payment, requests have to be in on June 30th.

      Does that help a bit?