• Profile picture of ellibra

    ellibra posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    The Runs Girl.. Episode 6

    I nearly ran mad when the results came out and I got “F” in Mr Ofoegbu’s course.

    I stared at my reg number a second time to be sure it was mine and that there was no mix up.

    Indeed it was mine.

    I ran to Mr Ofoegbu’s office to confront him and find out why he hadn’t kept to his own end of the bargain only to discover that the door to his office was locked.

    I dialled his number, he didn’t pick.

    I dialled again and again and again, no response.

    Then on the fifth attempt he picked.

    “Yes who is this?” He asked with his peculiar baritone voice.

    “Its me Linda. The student that met you at lomalinda hotel,” I explained.

    “I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” Mr Ofoegbu replied throwing me off balance. “Who did you say you met at lomalinda?”

    “Sir can’t you remember me? Linda, the girl you spent time with at lomalinda hotel. The one you promised to give an “A” in your course. Sir, they just pasted the results now and I got “F.” Sir, please I wish to know what happened.”

    “Please I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Maybe this is a wrong number,” he said hanging up the call.

    I felt like tearing myself into two.

    How on earth could Mr Ofoegbu do this to me? Does it mean I’m going to carry this course over?

    I was still deep in thought when my phone began to ring.

    “Hello,” I said on picking.

    “Hello, this is the Chief Receptionist of Hilly Zander guest house. We have a very important personality lodging in our hotel this night and he had gone through the pictures of all the beautiful ladies in our database and picked you as his favourite. Will you be free for the job this night?”

    “Yes I will,” I replied. “How much is he paying?”

    “Umm, 450k,” the receptionist replied.

    “Wow I’m gonna be free,” I said smiling to myself. 450k was no child’s play and if not for any other thing, atleast I was going to use it to console myself over the disappointment Mr Ofoegbu dished to me…