• Profile picture of BillionaireSK

    BillionaireSK posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    One of the most annoying social media trends is how people today have no respect for anything or anyone, things that never used to be posted out of respect for people, no longer applies.
    what do i mean?
    i woke up this morning ,to photos of a gruesome accident that happened sometime last night, there photos were horrific, the person had no reason to take them or even share them, but they did. all that went through my mind was what if a family member was on that group, is that the way they would want an to find out loved ones have died
    i had to ask, what was going through the person who took the photos at the accident scene, what was he thinking when he was sharing and not only that did they actually help, before or after taking the photos.

    we have become a nation of inconsiderate fools, we don’t take a second to consider the consequences, we just take photos and post for the sixty seconds of fame. alot needs to change.