Home & Garden

Advantages and disadvantages of buying a rental property

There are some advantages and disadvantages of buying a rental property.   1) Advantages: Advantages are:   Earnings from Renters:… Read More

8 years ago

The Joys of Growing Your Own Vegetables

I grew up in a big property surrounded by lush. My mother was an avid gardener, and she grew mostly… Read More

8 years ago

Tips on getting a new washing machine

I were looking for a new washing machine lately due to the existing one has broken down. This was the… Read More

8 years ago

Tips on purchasing a home use refrigerator

I am planning to get a bigger refrigerator for home use recently. Thus, I am shopping around do some research… Read More

8 years ago

The Amazing Ravenala – Known as the Traveler’s Palm

When I first seen this plant that resembled some sort of palm tree, I spent days trying to figure out… Read More

8 years ago

Bumper Crop of Bell Fruits is in the making

  Our garden has many fruit trees and this is the time for them to show off their produce.  The… Read More

8 years ago

This is the time for Pepper harvesting

Pepper as we know is a condiment that is found in most households   Who will have their morning breakfast of … Read More

8 years ago

The deadly plants one should be careful about

Plants, as we know, add beauty to the backyard. The plants whether flowering or nonflowering when planted in front of… Read More

8 years ago

How colors can make a difference

You always don’t need to splurge for a classy interior. And who needs expensive and seasonal decor items when it’s… Read More

8 years ago

knowing About an Important Fiber in our life Called Cotton, that’s right cotton

I'm sure you noticed many labels we read on product has cotton on the label. Cotton is used for so… Read More

8 years ago