• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of BBQ TheoryBBQ Theory 8 years, 4 months ago

    • Thanks for coming by. Be the first to add your fine points at outdoor BBQ

    • It has been a long long time since I had attended a BBQ birthday party of my niece in Singapore.
      We went to a resort, at the back of it, there is a wide compound where everyone enjoyed their BBQ grill in their own spot.
      The grill stone are located in 10 square box with benches and table to enjoy the dinner.
      However, the weather was not cool at all, many were perspiring all the way while eating.
      Some of us even brought the BBQ food up into the resort room and enjoy the air-con plus TV.

      I don’t know anything about BBQ, how to set up etc.
      All I know is enjoy the BBQ chicken wings and burp with content