• Profile picture of Zayn Meek

    Zayn Meek posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    The harmattan breeze always reminded me that Christmas
    is nearby, i looked forward to welcome my sweet aunty
    Amanda home, my mother tried her best in making sure i
    enjoy my Christmas like my mates, she saved enough to
    buy clothes and shoes for me, “Amy, i want youvto know
    that you are a big girl now , any decision you make now
    will affect you positively or negatively in future, do not
    keep bad friends, i’ll allow you mingle with your mates but
    dont stay in a lonely place alone with a boy, mind the kind
    of friends you keep”she advised me. My mother has
    always advised me but this time she looked so serious, i
    was even scared. “mama you’ve told me this more than
    100times,i promise to make you proud, dont worry, i’ll wipe
    away your tears” i assured my mother. She brought out all
    she bought for me and i was so happy, i loved my wears
    and shoes, i was so happy.
    It’s Christmas eve, and everyone was busy preparing for
    the D day, my mother bought two live chickens, we were
    about slaughtering them when my mother’s phone rang, i
    checked it was my Aunty Amanda! I gave the phone to my
    mother, “my dear, we’re back oo, we just returned now,
    how’re you? How’s my baby, Amy doing,? Pls send her to
    my house to pick what i bought for you people” , aunty
    Amanda said from the other end of the phone, “ezigbo oyi
    m, we’re fine, i’ll send her right away,” my mother replied
    happily.”dont worry my dear, i’ll come and see you
    tomorrow afternoon, it’s been long i saw you, prepare ofe
    onugbu for me oo, take care “aunty Amanda replied,” trust
    your friend, i’ll be waiting for you ooo, bye”my mother said
    and cut the call. She turned to me smiling,”your aunty said
    you should come to her house and pick what she bought
    for us,”my heart skipped immediately remembering her
    children, but i was so happy that i forgot all that happened,
    this time i made sure i bathed and looked nice before
    leaving the house.
    I entered my aunty’s compound feeling happy and praying
    so hard not to see any of her children especially Nelson, i
    didn’t have any problem passing the gate as the gate man
    is familiar with me, immediately i entered inside the
    compound, i saw my aunty directing one of her maids on
    what to do, i rushed to her and hugged her, she was so
    happy to see me, she told me turn around to see me well,
    “aah, my little angel is now a big girl, Amy baby, you’re
    looking so beautiful”. She flattered me. I was so shy, she
    invited me into her sitting room where we gisted about
    what has been happening in the village, she told me her
    husband went to pay homage to the king, i felt at home,
    my aunty excused herself to get our presents, i was about
    finishing my juice when i heard someone enter the sitting
    room, i was scared, i looked up and saw Chioma, she’s now
    a big girl, looking so beautiful and classy, inferiority
    complex came in, i greeted her”good evening ma”looking
    down at my feet. She stood staring at me, then she replied,
    “evening dear, how’re you? “i replied almost immediately”
    i’m fine, i came to see aunty, Amanda,she’s my mothers
    best friend, she’s like a mother to me”i stammered, “oooh,
    you’re Amaka, nice to meet you, you’re a beautiful girl, i
    think i like you, can you be my friend, to take me round the
    village and teach me village life”. I couldn’t believe my
    eyes, am i dreaming, i pinched myself and felt the pain, she
    noticed my strange reaction and spoke up, “there’s no need
    being scared, i know you think i’m a snob, no i’m not, when
    you get to know me, you will realise i’m not who you think
    i am, my brother Nelson is the only one that believe
    there’s nothing good in this country, he treats the poor as
    trash, when people see him, they think we all behave like
    him, she paused then continued, “i know village will be
    boring without a friend like you, so are we friends now?
    “the question took me off balance, i nodded like a lizard,
    she came to where i stood and hugged me.” sit down and
    feel at home, my siblings went to the city to get
    somethings for Nelson’s pool birthday party, i’m personally
    inviting you to his party “she concluded