• Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Writing Love Letters GroupWriting Love Letters Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    • You think of me no more
      But I think of you more
      Cos life is just a dream
      Today has the seed of future
      Future is nothing but a desert shore
      It think of you more
      Cos you forget my love and labor of love
      Entering a second lover into the fickle mind
      Does nothing but creates doubts
      Into your mind and to tame
      Your mind full of greed for second love
      Just for money and daily needs
      Leaving me alone at the door
      I think of you more
      Your tender words heat and and beat me
      Your faithless love puts me on the burning flame
      To broil my heart full of your love
      But you turn your face away
      In search of your need forgetting love
      just for one night and nothing else
      Come back I do your implore

      JH Sayyar