Krishna Kumar posted an update in the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years, 1 month ago
Sorry State of Democracy in India and time for Radical Action to Set Things Right.
Democracy in any free thinking country consists of the ruling party and the opposition both of whom are elected as representatives to draw the future of the country in elections and both have a vital role to play in the process in the process. But in many democracies including the one in India these representatives end up disrupting the parliament and messing around with the countries time money playing a negative role and shamelessly taking their salaries. Whatever the new laws that need to be enacted have to be deeply debated before approval to become a law. If these politicians do not perform their basic tasks they have no business to take their salaries perks and other benefits which they get. Their performance has to be analysed by an independent group of citizens of repute in their fields and a decision has to be taken and the report given to the speaker of both the house. A law has to be passed saying if a member of parliament gets a negative feedback twice then action has to be taken against both the political party and the member. This body and the speakers institution has to be highly independent and has to be the watchdog and protector of the constitution from the undesirable characters and the rotten eggs have to be removed and thrown into the dustbin of history. This does no mean any authoritarianism but they have to be made accountable for the work they do and for their works uttered and the actions and productive shown in their elected period to the parliament. If these political reforms and laws do not come fast these people will work at cross purposes and eat like termites into the vitals of democracy and the constitution and set a very bad role modelling for children who would be observing these gentlemen behaving in an out of the parliament in the country and abroad. If this is not done democracy will be weakened so will be the country which is a very bad thing to happen. Political scores have to be settled outside the house at debates and forums which are the proper places. Hope the right people are reading this piece. Any one who feels strongly about this topic can add value to the topic with their remarks.