• Profile picture of matrix

    matrix posted an update in the group Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    The First Money
    7th century B.C.: The first standardized coins
    were created in what is now western Turkey.
    They were made of electrum, a naturally
    occurring amalgam of gold and silver. In
    Rome, coins were minted near the temple of
    the goddess Juno Moneta, which gave us the
    words “mint” and “money”. Offa, an Anglo-
    Saxon king, introduced the first English coin
    known as the penny around 790 A.D. A
    copper shortage forced China to introduce the
    world’s first paper money into circulation in
    the 9th century – 700 years before Europe did
    so. In the 1500s the St. Joachimsthal mine in
    what is now the Czech Republic introduced
    large silver coins called thaler. The Spanish
    version of the thaler became the first
    worldwide currency. The English called it the
    dollar, and the U.S. dollar was based on it.

    • B:C is a very interesting time. They say people got smarter as time went on but the truth is nothing changes, everything is still the same. People treat each other the same and look at each other the same. The only thing that has changed is the mans desire to kill everything.