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    matrix posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    definite article
    An indefinite article indicates that its noun is
    not a particular one (or ones) identifiable to
    the listener. It may be something that the
    speaker is mentioning for the first time, or its
    precise identity may be irrelevant or
    hypothetical, or the speaker may be making a
    general statement about any such thing.
    English uses a/an , from the Old English forms
    of the number “one”, as its primary indefinite
    article. The form an is used before words
    that begin with a vowel sound (even if
    spelled with an initial consonant, as in an
    hour), and a before words that begin with a
    consonant sound (even if spelled with a
    vowel, as in a European).
    She had a house so large that an elephant
    would get lost without a map.
    Before some words beginning with a
    pronounced (not silent) h in an unstressed
    first syllable, such as hallucination , hilarious,
    historic(al) , horrendous , and horrific, some
    (especially older) British writers prefer to use
    an over a (an historical event, etc.). [7] An is
    also preferred before hotel by some writers
    of British English (probably reflecting the
    relatively recent adoption of the word from
    French, in which the h is not pronounced). [8]
    The use of “an” before words beginning with
    an unstressed “h” is more common generally
    in British English than in American. [8]
    American writers normally use a in all these
    cases, although there are occasional uses of
    an historic(al) in American English.[9]
    According to the New Oxford Dictionary of
    English, such use is increasingly rare in British
    English too. [7] Unlike British English,
    American English typically uses an before
    herb, since the h in this word is silent for
    most Americans. The correct usage in respect
    of the term “hereditary peer” was the subject
    of an amendment debated in the UK
    Parliament. [10]