• Profile picture of Chidimma  Cynthia

    Chidimma Cynthia posted an update in the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 4 months ago

    Five things a wife must do for her marriage to succeed. PRAY FOR HIM ALWAYS. Your prayers can take your husband to the top. Your prayers can make a way for him where there is no way. so many men today have attributed their success to the prayer of their wives. KEEP HIS SECRETS. Keep your husband ‘s secrets, tell it to nobody even your relations or closest friends. secret means what has not been revealed to the next person .No matter how you are tempted to say it, hold yourself. BE SENSITIVE TO HIS WELFARE. Know when he is hungry. Don’t allow him to enter your kitchen in search of food to eat. Prepare his food in time and serve him to eat. FORGIVE HIM WHEN HE OFFENDS YOU. Don’t keep malice with your husband. This is to enable your prayers to be answered and not give room for the devil to operate in your life and home. BE TRUST WORTHY. Can your husband trust you for money, affairs, his safety etc? Can he trust your commitment to building and successful marriage and home? Can he trust you for his welfare and that of his children? If your answer is yes, then prove your trust to him and make him feel secure in your hands.