• Profile picture of Own Muhammad

    Own Muhammad and Profile picture of peachpurplepeachpurple are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago

    • hi! Thanks for your friendship.
      Do hope around at the groups and forums, answer some questions, you will earn money from there.
      Also write some posts, 300 words per post.
      If you have any problems, just pose your questions in the group of the selected category.
      The community will answer your questions promptly.
      We are here to help each other

      • Welcome to the site, @ownmuhannad! Peachy offers some great advice, and I will add one additional piece: when you leave a comment on a post it should be substantial enough to show you’ve read the post. Avoid generic comments like, “Nice post,” or “I agree,” as this can be viewed as comment spam. It is not good for the site, nor is it good for the individual member.

        Best of luck here at LiteracyBase!

        • Thanks @ruby3881for guide me more about the site, and yes we should comment about post which we have read, You both @ruby3881 & @peachpurple guys are amazing thanks for guide me and please can you tell me one more thing…!!!
          How i can change my profile pic??? 🙂

      • Yeah i will follow these instructions @peachpurple Thanks for the advises and concerning 🙂
        I hope we will have fun here 🙂