Sathish kumar posted an update in the group InfoMart.Inc 7 years ago
*Useful information*
1. *PAN* Permanent Account Number.
2. *PDF* Portable Document format.
3. *SIM* Subscriber Identity Module.
4. *ATM* Automated Teller Machine.
5. *IFSC* Indian Financial System Code.
6. *FSSAI(Fssai)* Food Safety & Standards Authority of India.
7. *Wi-Fi* Wireless Fidelity.
8. *GOOGLE* Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth.
9. *YAHOO* Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
10. *WINDOW* Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution.
11. *COMPUTER* Common Oriented Machine. Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.
12. *VIRUS* Vital Information Resources Under Siege.
13. *UMTS* Universal Mobile Telecommunicati ons System.
14. *AMOLED* Active-Matrix Organic Light- Emitting diode.
15. *OLED* Organic Light-Emitting diode.
16. *IMEI* International Mobile Equipment Identity.
17. *ESN* Electronic Serial Number.
18. *UPS* Uninterruptible Power Supply.
19. *HDMI* High-Definition Multimedia Interface.
20. *VPN* Virtual Private Network.
21. *APN* Access Point Name.
22. *LED* Light Emitting Diode.
23. *DLNA* Digital Living Network Alliance.
24. *RAM* Random Access Memory.
25. *ROM* Read only memory.
26. *VGA* Video Graphics Array.
27. *QVGA* Quarter Video Graphics Array.
28. *WVGA* Wide video Graphics Array.
29. *WXGA* Widescreen Extended Graphics Array.
30. *USB* Universal Serial Bus.
31. *WLAN* Wireless Local Area Network.
32. *PPI* Pixels Per Inch.
33. *LCD* Liquid Crystal Display.
34. *HSDPA* High Speed Down link Aacket Access.
35. *HSUPA* High-Speed Uplink Packet Access.
36. *HSPA* High Speed Packet Access.
37. *GPRS* General Packet Radio Service.
38. *EDGE* Enhanced Data Rates for Globa Evolution.
39. *NFC* Near Field Communication.
40. *OTG* On-The-Go.
41. *S-LCD* Super Liquid Crystal Display.
42. *O.S* Operating System.
43. *SNS* Social Network Service.
44. *H.S* HOTSPOT.
45. *P.O.I* Point Of Interest.
46. *GPS* Global Positioning System.
47. *DVD* Digital Video Disk.
48. *DTP* Desk Top Publishing.
49. *DNSE* Digital Natural Sound Engine.
50. *OVI* Ohio Video Intranet.
51. *CDMA* Code Division Multiple Access.
52. *WCDMA* Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access.
53. *GSM* Global System for Mobile Communications.
54. *DIVX* Digital Internet Video Access.
55. *APK* Authenticated Public Key.
56. *J2ME* Java 2 Micro Edition.
57. *SIS* Installation Source.
58. *DELL* Digital Electronic Link Library.
59. *ACER* Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection.
60. *RSS* Really Simple Syndication.
61. *TFT* Thin Film Transistor.
62. *AMR* Adaptive Multi-Rate.
63. *MPEG* Moving Pictures Experts Group.
64. *IVRS* Interactive Voice Response System.
65. *HP* Hewlett Packard.
*Do we know actual full form* *of some words???*
66. *NEWS PAPER =* North East West South Past and Present Events Report.
67. *CHESS =* Chariot, Horse, Elephant, Soldiers.
68. *COLD =* Chronic, Obstructive, Lung, Disease.
69. *JOKE =* Joy of Kids Entertainment.
70. *AIM =* Ambition in Mind
71. *DATE =* Day and Time Evolution.
72. *EAT =* Energy and Taste.
73. *TEA =* Taste and Energy Admitted.
74. *PEN =* Power Enriched in Nib.
75. *SMILE =* Sweet Memories in Lips Expression.
76. *ETC. =* End of Thinking Capacity.
77. *OK =* Objection Killed.
78. *Or =* Orl Korec (Greek Word)
79. *Bye =*β₯ Be with You Everytime.
*share* *These meanings* *as majority of us donβt know*