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@skysnap active 7 years ago
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March 10, 2017 at 12:38 pm

Keeping your conspiracy aside. There are people working with paypal, payoneer, paytm. You have to understand that conspiracies don’t build any credibility. You have to get over all those allegations and understand that there are some of the business who are working on that. And they are building their own business and getting paid. Many freelancers are continue to get money through paypal. So this is definitely possible. You just have to check it from your end. Just avoid the conspiracy theories and that should help as well.

March 10, 2017 at 12:26 pm

I think planning for emergencies is a good way to handle stress. Knowing problems are going to occur makes you think that you are much ahead of your problems. And this means you can proactively take the choices. I think we can be prepared in terms of financial and the family side too. Many people focus on the small issues and then plan for them. This can be a good way to avoid the stress. It has helped many people avoid conflict from the future. I’d say doing that route has helped a lot.

March 10, 2017 at 12:18 pm

For me it is really hard. I remained single long enough. And now being single is now part of my identity. I don’t easily fall in love. I may get attracted to someone but love is kind of hard. I just can’t force myself for it. I think that is one reason it can be hard to fall in love. I am guessing solution to this could be me slowing down on my stress and other life issues. Then taking one day at a time would make me fall in love. Many people have tried that way and it seems to be working for them.

March 10, 2017 at 12:14 pm

I think this is really good that United states is focusing in this direction. Considering there is a huge need for us to colonize other planets. All the countries in the world needs to unite and find solutions to migration and resources so that we can relocate for safety of our planet. I think this has to be done at some point. More tests needs to be taken in order for us to move to mars soon. I am sure there will be time when we can say we have two planets for ourselves.

March 10, 2017 at 12:01 pm

I think one of the friend from forumcoin told me about it. She earns good from here. But these days she is busy with offline work. And that maybe one reason she is not much active here. A lot of forumcoin users are here. And it can be worth spending time here with lot of known people around. It feels good for me to make new friends and post comments on the forums. I wish more of my friends from mylot and other place join here. And that way we can make some money.

March 10, 2017 at 11:58 am

Yes caleb, Just checked the post on MTurk. I am on Mturk and Swagbucks too. But most of the Indian users don’t have much regional tasks from these sites. But yes, they are worth it, if non regional task is assigned there. It’s fun and also makes a good earning. Though it’s not much but it’s definitely worth spending time there. I am going to check on similar sites like this. So far I have only found the microworkers over there.

March 10, 2017 at 12:20 am

I have noticed that people who have midnight craving for food end up getting more weight. Also their biological clocks for the sleep is disturbed. So they have to do some change in lifestyle. And that way they can regain the health. I am thinking that it would be possible for us to have better health. I am not sure if it’s possible for skinny people to have such cravings but mostly overweight people or people who are gaining weight slowly have it from my observation.

March 10, 2017 at 12:02 am

You gave a very good analogy of shifting gears. I think often we assume all days in life are going to be the same. But that is just not the case. It just makes you go into the flow when you know what is happening. I’d be unsure how to motivate myself during bad days. But the analogy of shifting gears definitely helped me get back on the zone I have. That’s what I am thinking currently. Thanks you for reply, I have lot to learn from your perspective.

March 10, 2017 at 12:00 am

I think a lot of us are into shiny object depression. In this type of depression, you’d find that some people always compare themselves with others. This leads to more of a trouble in life than solution. I’d wonder how come they get peace. It just makes you unhappy. Some of the time you have to work hard and push your limits. And that’s all you can do. People who live good with their journey are happy in their life. But it’s not easy that way considering other people make you unhappy.

March 9, 2017 at 11:57 pm

Congratulations. And I wonder how much time it took you to reach that amount. Also when is the right time to ask for payment. Considering we get paid on 10th of each month. So is it a good time to issue payment before last week of the month. I am guessing that is a good time to reach. I am not sure yet because I am yet to reach payout. I am guessing it’d be last week for me to reach payment that I have in mind.

March 9, 2017 at 11:55 pm

I do believe in bad energy. I think people who are in bad situation usually have this mindset. And they are under that influence. I am guessing that bad energy can be handled. It’d not be easy but I am guessing that people can practice learn ways to handle this energy. Bad energy if manipulated the right way, can be helpful but if not it can harm ourselves and others. That’s why handling bad energy should be one skill to learn in life.

March 9, 2017 at 7:47 pm

We have a warm environment here. So not much chance of rain up till june. But it would be worth checking out how that goes. I want to see how the rain goes this year. There is a prediction that it will go for less this year. But hoping that it doesn’t become that scenario. We need water too.

March 8, 2017 at 10:07 pm

Yes I think that is a good option. Both should undergo blood test. Especially women considering modernization has made it possible for women to go through multiple partners. Earlier only males were going through blood test.And it was hard to find out or question woman’s dignity. Thanks to equality, now we can ask women for the blood test too. And if both are clean then yes they can go ahead with the long term marriage. I guess that is a good move too.

March 8, 2017 at 9:59 pm

Tsu was basically an experiment made for the social media. It had no real plan for the money making. And now they are collapsed. It’s kind of funny that people thought they were going to be rich or even making the 100$ payout. Not many people reached that payout. A lot of them didn’t get paid. And also the person who started the site ended it due to lack of funds. So basically he burned the VC money trying to show it as something revolutionary.

March 8, 2017 at 4:03 pm

What I found is that we have to take small risks. We have to take one step at a time. You can do this by coming out of your comfort zone. You have to get out of your comfort zone one task at a time. I think some of the time you have to focus on things you can do to motivate and challenge yourself. But it all comes down to where you stand. You can’t be in motivation mode all the time.

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