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    kaylar wrote a new post, Never Miss an Opportunity To Miss an Opportunity 7 years, 6 months ago

    The statement was made by an Israeli Prime Minister in response to the behaviour of Palestinians.   He said that they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    Right now,  with the United Kingdom going f […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The True Story of a Bank Robbery 7 years, 6 months ago

    This is an event that happened about ten years ago.   On the face of it, it seems straight forward, but is it?

    A bank was robbed, the robbers made off with the contents of the vault.   The employees, who had b […]

    • I think insurance companies have a ceiling as to how much should be paid to a bank in case it is robbed. Usually, they make the ceiling of how they can pay only according to the amount that was agreed in the policy according to how much premium also they have paid for it.

      That kind of robbery also happened here in our city. I was also an employee in a bank then. One of the banks were robbed before lunch time. All the employees were all made to drop on the floor. . All the customers were made to lie on the floor, head down. When a pregnant woman can’t lay head facing down well , she was kicked in the butt

      The manager, cashier and the employees were all locked inside the vault.

      When the robbers were gone, they shouted at that small hole in the vault where it is really made for that.

      Officers from the other bank were made to open the vault by telling them the combinations. They changed the combinations after that.

    • In this case, the manager had been embezzeling money from the bank. This is why the numbers didn’t match.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Dangers of Too Much Information 7 years, 6 months ago

    This is a frightening but true story.  I’ve changed the names a bit and the locales so as not to perpetuate the situation, which is, bad.

    I was on a forum with people from all over the world.    There was a us […]

    • So true. There are so many scammers on the internet. If one would be so naive, he can be the next victim.

    • With all the cyber crimes being done nowadays, one should really be discerning when on social media. It is just so easy for another person to open an account using a fictitious name or a true name that belongs to a person and whose picture is that person’s.

      That’s why for my protection, I chose to be one a private setting in social media. I only accept friends who are relatives, family and acquiantances that I like.

      That way, no one can cyber bully me.

      • When that first person came on, spewing information, it was done as a ‘hook’ to get others to fall for it. That’s why you have to be so careful

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Carlos the Jackal; Back in the News 7 years, 6 months ago

    We have all heard ot the “Jackal”, maybe we read the novel; Day of the Jackal. Maybe we have seen the movie. The Jackal I am writing about is a real person.

    He was born Ilich Ramirez Sanchez in Venezuela.  His […]

    • I don’t understand, but was he released already or was still in jail? If he was a heinous criminal then why did they release him again.

      Now, he is on the loose and has made that bombing again.

      Imagine he is now 67 and has been jailed for quite sometime, yet he still hasn’t changed. He is still a terrorist.

      I wonder if he is really a human being.

      • He is in jail; this ‘new’ charge has come up. And they want to charge him again. But he is in jail.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A few Things You Didn’t Know about United States History 7 years, 6 months ago

    The Assumption, when it comes to slavery is that whites went across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa and captured slaves.   This is not how it happened.

    Europeans were confined to the coast, and local Africans would […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, When Netizens Don’t Know if You are a Boy or a Girl 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have sixteen new emails.   These are from females all over the world.   I also have cut rate Viagra offers.   These, mixed in with advisories I’ve won various contests held by Walmarts and other American co […]

    • To besafe, do not give so much information about yourself on strangers on the net. As I mentioned in my post, scammers can easily hide behind their keyboards. The unsuspecting victim might be easily be fooled if he would not investigate first before agreeing with a stranger on the net.

    • That’s so funny. It’s been happening to me ever since I started receiving mail. I’ve been getting mail delivered to me addressed “Mr.” for as long as I can remember. Getting on the Internet didn’t change anything. What’s odd is that even with my picture online, I still get called “sir” or “mister”. 🙂

      • Are you getting messages from Russian hotties?

        • I can’t remember if they were Russian. But when I get them it makes me laugh! I have in my memory a cartoon I once saw where two animals were sitting in front of a computer and one is telling the other: “Don’t worry. On the Internet they don’t know you’re a dog!” 🙂

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Have You Heard of Calexit? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Let me start with what you know; a lot; A LOT of people are really upset that the Orange Clown is now the POTUS.

    Yup, a guy I wouldn’t trust to give me change for a dollar has become the Commander in Chief! The […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Five Popular Food Myths You Need To Know 7 years, 6 months ago

    These are five food myths. They are myths. They are NOT true. Although they are very popular, they have no scientific or factual basis.


    There’s a famous rule that if you accidentally drop food on the floor […]

    • If Number 4 were true I would have died a thousand times already. 🙂 I eat lots of leftover rice!

      • I think we are probably immune to it, cause we do eat a lot of rice. And many people leave it on the stove, covered, over night.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, One of Reasons Behind Brexit 7 years, 6 months ago

    There is a basis for Brexit; that is the exit of Great Britain from the European Union.  There is a reason why those in England do not want to take any more refugees.

    Thirteen different terrorist attacks have […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, MH370 – The Biggest Mystery of Modern Day 7 years, 6 months ago

    The plane took off and disappeared on the 8th March 2014.   It was a scheduled Malaysian Airline plane goinf from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to  Beijing Capital International Airport in China.

    It was a Bo […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Basics of Being Ugly 7 years, 6 months ago

    The building was to house particular indigent members of a community but was turned into a kind of ‘dorm’ .  Rooms are rented to women.  Usually they are under thirty, and are students or employed.   Most of th […]

    • This is a very interesting piece of writing. No going around the bushes in manner of speaking but very straight forward or direct to the point. Yes, the message really hit the mark.

      I found the title “The Basics of Being Ugly” a bit amusing and at the same time quite absorbing. Who wants to be ugly in the first place? Everyone wants to be beautiful am I right?

      The title reminds me of our college class back in the old days in the Art Appreciation/Humanities especially in Aesthetics. I vividly recall that our professor once told us that in Aesthetics “there is no such thing as ugly, only less beautiful”.

      As I understand the writings the word ugly covers both the “physical ugliness” and the “ugliness of character”.

      Whether or not there is such a thing as “Martha’s House” or it is a mere fictionalized representation, it is quite intriguing that a group of girls with physical and character ugliness are tied together in one place.

      I believed that the development of any person character is always dependent upon the “nature-nurture” thing (genetics and environmental factors).

      If and when I’m going to meet those girls in the near future (who knows?) I’m going to be just my old self: just be myself and to carry myself as gentleman.

      • It is a real place, and these are real people; warts and all. Their ugliness is not just physical, it is everything about them. Their behaviour has virtually chased the more normal people out, and they don’t seem to appreciate reality.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Calexit; That Would Be Unbeliveable 7 years, 6 months ago

    According to reports, one out of every three people who live in California are thinking about seceding from the United States.


    This isn’t ‘Fake News’.   This is real.

    People who live in California do […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Stupidity; not a lack of education 7 years, 6 months ago

    Something happened.  I went to explain it to the ‘helper’ at the office.    Carl was in the hospital.   I was telling the helper about this tragedy, but she had to wash the dishes.

    Now, you catch the funny lit […]

    • Okay first and foremost let me just correct you a bit. No one is stupid it’s just that we are all different and we all act in different ways. There are people who are quick to solving issues, and there those that take time to digest and think of ways to solve the issue. We were all made differently. Maybe the way I do things is not the same way you will do yours, the way I will react to issues is not the same way you will react, there are some things that may be a priority to you that are not to me so with all this examples we cannot conclude that someone is stupid because they were not able to behave or react in a certain manner. I remember i us3d to have a girl who used to help me around the house, she used to be so slow. When you told her to do something she would repeat after you whatever you said and that used to make me so mad, but i would still listen to her and give her instructions slowly by slowly one after another. You could not tell her to do like three things at a go because she could not multitask. Sometimes I used to feek feel like I would tell her to just leave whatever she’s doing get out and not come back. But obviously I couldn’t that would be too inhuman. But you the irony is that even with that slowness she had two kids that she took care of and I didn’t have any at time. So if she had the ability to take care 9f two kids would we still call her stupid? Mmmmmhh that’s something to think about right? Check this out we have two categories of people those who are
      1 Learned and
      2 Educated. The difference between the two is that learned people are those who can be given a situation to solve and they will think with their minds, think outside the box and come up with a solution. And the educated are those who have to use some sort of manual or books for that matter to get a solution to a problem. You see the difference.

    • Let me indicate this; there is such a thing as stupidity. As Einstein said, it is infinte. To be so politically correct to pretend it doesn’t exist is rather like calling a person starving to death a ‘dieter’.
      The ability to prioritise has always been a hallmark of intelligence. There are things every one of us has on the ‘to do’ list.
      If there is a fire in the kitchen, for example, sorting the clothing to be washed should be stopped and the fire put out.
      The fact that the helper is not intelligent is evident in all aspects. I only focus on this one because it is so obvious that a normal intellect would hear a mutual friend was in the hospital and react, not wash the dishes.
      The difference is not ‘learned’ and ‘educated’ the difference is between intelligent and stupid.
      Whether you have a Ph.D or have never been to school is not the measure. Intelligence is the measure.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Vested Interests Control A Vote 7 years, 6 months ago

    Mullings is a white man.   He lives in West Virginia.  He’s in his forties.   Never had much schooling, more interested in girls and sports than his book.  He’s been a miner, a farmer, truck driver, a con […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Some Problems in Watching Some TV Shows Back to Back 7 years, 6 months ago

    When you watch certain shows, there might be an ‘overlap’ especially when they are written by the same person or kind of a piggy-back where the plots of one are used in another.

    For example, Scandal and Grey’s […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Wasting Time, Losing Money on Facebook 7 years, 6 months ago

    Kris posts at least twenty times a day on Facebook.  Bits of a story, reactions to a current event, mentions of his past or his family’s past.

    I don’t read 90% of what he posts.   Although a Yardie he is deep i […]

    • I agree, one has to be cautious in posting personal matters, photos,etc. because there are so many scammers, thieves, waiting for a clue. It is better to spend time on writing/blog sites like Literacybase.com where your effort and time are compensated.

      • It is so logical one can’t imagine how anyone could miss the chance of writing here, getting comments, and earning… but some people are born stupid.

    • Had he tried , he would love it here because a long post about a minimum of 500 words can earn him .22 while a shorterone , minimum of 300 words, can earn him $.15 . If he is industrious and have lots of time on the net, he can hit more than the minimum amount for the monthly payout.

      Anyway, some people really would snob a writing site at once, because they don’t know yet that writing can give you fulfillment and friends here at LB. Fulfillment, because you got paid and you earn a lot of friends.

      Maybe you should show him your proof of payment. 🙂

    • Same thing I did. I sent Kris two messages about this site… and he ‘doesn’t have time’ When something bad happens to him on Facebook, he’ll learn

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A Few Jamaican Sayings And Their Meanings 7 years, 6 months ago

    Years ago, many Jamaicans talked in ‘parables’.   They’d quote a folk saying, which covered the topic.  They didn’t have to explain, expound or do more than say it, and a world of meaning was revealed.

    We were i […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Younger Woman; Stupid Older Man 7 years, 6 months ago

    There are many men who are captured by much younger women.  For some reason these men don’t own mirrors, but have fat bank accounts.


    I said at the dinner, speaking to Ken but Jim was beside him; “The only […]

    • Mostly of those that I have heard of about men marrying very much younger than them has the same story.

      The young woman would shop no end at the expense of the old man. The old man cannot refuse the wife because he knows it’s all that can make the woman happy.

      Sad that men would be in such a situation.

      Oftentimes when they die the wife will again remarry, this time a man of her age.

      That’s the sad reality of older but rich men, they are just wanted for their wealth. And oftentimes, not only will he provide for the wife but for the whole family of the woman.

    • I’ve know older men who see younger women. They think it makes them look Cool and they in there silly heads feel younger at heart. So silly that younger woman is only using you for ur wallet. So u spend spend to keep her chasing after u but trust once ur money is gone she will be off to her next idiot. Tried to explain this to a couple men and of course they find listen.

    • It is a common scenario, and one would think if the young woman was deeply in love with the oldie, but maybe in his deep pocket only!

      • It is very hard. Firstly, the person is the age of your father. Unless you have ‘daddy complex’ it feels wierd. Second, what do you talk about? Take a man of fifty… he can sit and discuss incidents that happened forty years ago which impacted his life. She wasn’t alive, she doesn’t know… So talk about what?

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    kaylar joined the group Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 6 months ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The New Definition of Popularist 7 years, 6 months ago

    The word doesn’t sound scary or evil.  Popularist;  sounds like a person or group which wants to be popular or holds the most popular opinions.

    If I were to ask random people, what the words popularist or p […]

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