Author Posts

July 14, 2016 at 4:37 pm

Have you ever felt unloved? I have felt that way so many times and I sometimes feel it even now, and it can take a very bad turn sometimes but I choose not to let it get to me because I know that all we have in this world are things that are going to pass us by and I know that all is vanity, because I know and I am aware that there is someone who loves me more than I deserve, one who is always by my side who is always watching over me, so when I feel unloved I am assured of being loved and taken care of so shake off the thought that you are alone because you are not.

July 25, 2016 at 5:42 pm

I’ve felt unloved many times too just like you. Even if I am surrounded with people, I still feel alone and unloved. Whenever I feel this I’ll face the mirror and tell myself that God loves me…. that He will always love me no matter how people see me. Now, I rarely feel that I am unlove because my boyfriend is there to remind me that he loves me and will never leave me even if he’s far from me. Whenever you feel unlove you can just talk to people here. I’m sure they will let you feel that you’re not alone. God bless you!

July 26, 2016 at 7:06 pm

That is the best thing that you could do for yourself being able to just look at yourself an say I a beautiful and wonderfully made, nothing or no one should tell you that you are not good enough.

October 25, 2016 at 9:02 pm

I feel this way 98% of the time. Sure my son loves me but that is a different kind of love. I never had my father in my life as a child and when I got older I found out why. I was always looking for love and always ended up hurt and more confused than before. I really believe there is no one out there for me. I am starting to give up on the concept of love and everything dealing with it.